Hey Dylan,
Really enjoying your youtube content, with so much out there I find myself coming back to all your vids when Im curious about a particular Sarm,
Im sure you get a million questions a day, so if you do happen to look at this I really appreciate it,
I understand that you are not a doctor and your content is entertainment and information and you are not advising to take or do anything,
i also understand that sarms are for research purposes only
Hypothetically , if you had a friend approach you, who is 38 years of age, has been training in powerlifting and bodybuilding for 20 years, and has sound nutrition, suspected low testosterone for many years, finally got a doctor (limited doctors as lives in a fairly small town) to run blood tests, everything came back perfect, except for testosterone which was at 300,your friend understanding is that is quite low and wants to raise it to a normal level, however this doctor disagrees and thinks its fine and will not assist with any TRT
No other doctor will assisr either,
So your friend has been using sarms, MK677, GW and SR9009 as none of them are suppressive and doesnt want to make a bad situation with his low T worse by using suppressive compounds,
So hypothetically, what would you say to your friend about possibly using rad 140 or another sarm with suppression and following it with PCT, or just running standalone PCT if that would help his T levels in anyway,
Or if there are any other ideas he can do to raise his T without the assistance of a doctor keeping in mind his training, recovery and nutrition is all on point
Any comment, guidance, help would be indescribably appreciated!!
Really enjoying your youtube content, with so much out there I find myself coming back to all your vids when Im curious about a particular Sarm,
Im sure you get a million questions a day, so if you do happen to look at this I really appreciate it,
I understand that you are not a doctor and your content is entertainment and information and you are not advising to take or do anything,
i also understand that sarms are for research purposes only
Hypothetically , if you had a friend approach you, who is 38 years of age, has been training in powerlifting and bodybuilding for 20 years, and has sound nutrition, suspected low testosterone for many years, finally got a doctor (limited doctors as lives in a fairly small town) to run blood tests, everything came back perfect, except for testosterone which was at 300,your friend understanding is that is quite low and wants to raise it to a normal level, however this doctor disagrees and thinks its fine and will not assist with any TRT
No other doctor will assisr either,
So your friend has been using sarms, MK677, GW and SR9009 as none of them are suppressive and doesnt want to make a bad situation with his low T worse by using suppressive compounds,
So hypothetically, what would you say to your friend about possibly using rad 140 or another sarm with suppression and following it with PCT, or just running standalone PCT if that would help his T levels in anyway,
Or if there are any other ideas he can do to raise his T without the assistance of a doctor keeping in mind his training, recovery and nutrition is all on point
Any comment, guidance, help would be indescribably appreciated!!