I'm 29 years old, 6'3" 230lbs, not sure about Body fat% but I'd say around 15% or so. I've done a few cycles before, such as 1. sustanon 250 for 12 weeks, 2. sust and tren for 12 weeks, 3.sust and dbol 4. And most recently test-e, hgh and Anavar....the last one got cut short and fucked up due to breaking my leg and not being able to pct correctly. This cycle I'm planning now is
Weeks 1-12 sustanon 250 500mg/week
Somatropin 5ius 5 days on/2 days off
^^^I plan on doing the GH for 5 or 6 months, possibly longer
And anadrol I'm debating if I'm going to use, I want to see how the sust and GH treat me. If I'm satisfied with the gains I'm going to get rid of the anadrol. If I do run the anadrol though I will do 25mgs every day for at least 2 weeks. And depending on the side effects and results I will either keep the dosage at 25mgs or increase it to 50mgs for another 2 weeks.