
PCT guidance


New member
Hey Dylan I’m a fan of yours I watch your YouTube videos and I was wondering if you might be able to answer some questions I had and give some guidance for some issues I’m having. So over a year ago I took a pro hormone called Dragons Blood for the first time and only waited about two months before taking another called phase 4 and it messed me up. I was suffering from low T and even a little gyno. Felt shitty for a long time. So I took clomid and nolva for four weeks and it fixed me. I felt completely recovered and back to normal after that and about 6 months later I wanted a little boost so I took a test booster called Virilitat and a sarm yk-11. Took it for about two months but shortly after it shut me down again. Not sure how it shit me down butI got clomid and nolvadex again but this time I feel as though it’s not working. I feel pretty good again and have energy but I have no libido what so ever. Not even morning wood. It’s got me concerned and I’m not sure what I need to do next. I’ve done so much reading and watching your videos and I’m not sure if I need to take HCG, or Aromasin or what. Please let me know what you think I should do to try and fix this issue or if I should just get blood work done and see what my levels are at.
thats because nolva and clomid is a very very incomplete pct and yk11 is something that you should never use because you never exactly what it is... the better question is WHY ARE YOU GUESSING ON ALL OF THIS??? you need BLOODWORK man.. this is very very wreckless in terms of what you are doing and i nor any other human can ACCURATELY tell you anything without it and you should have done this a long time ago.. if you get your panel and post it i can help you but without it, i cant do much of anything
Well bro you've done a lot of wreckless things, so it's hard to say what's off at this point. You need to get bloodwork done ASAP. That's the only way to know how to proceed here
Thanks bros I appreciate the advice. It was stupid to take all that stuff and honestly I wish I would have just taken a real test cycle. I’m going to get blood work done just a few more questions. I’ve heard I’m supposed to wait until I’m off the clomid for about a month before getting it done to get an accurate reading. Is that true or can I just do it now? I haven’t taken any serms in 2 weeks. Also It’s a little weird to go being in the military because they might ask questions and pros and seems are a band substance so I might get kicked out so I was gonna try to go to a Doc off base. Would anybody happen to know what the prices would be like to do it at a walk in clinic or anything
Privatemdlabs is the way to go. Order your own without a doctor and very cheap. Follow the link dylan gave you
This will be a first time ordering from there so excuse me if this comes off ignorant. After I receive the test do I administer it myself or do I still need to take it an MD. Thanks in advance
when you order the test, they give you locations to schedule yourself to go in and get tested... you take the test at a labcorp location and then they send you the results within a few days
Lab results

thats because nolva and clomid is a very very incomplete pct and yk11 is something that you should never use because you never exactly what it is... the better question is WHY ARE YOU GUESSING ON ALL OF THIS??? you need BLOODWORK man.. this is very very wreckless in terms of what you are doing and i nor any other human can ACCURATELY tell you anything without it and you should have done this a long time ago.. if you get your panel and post it i can help you but without it, i cant do much of anything
Hey guys sorry it took so long to get back to ya I was out of the area for about two months. I just got my lab results back and I’m not sure how to send a screen shot so I’ll just tell you them and let me know if you need any more. So my test is at 600 ng/dL LH is 7.7 FSH is 2.6 Estradoil is 29.2. I’m not sure which others you would want to see but I can email it if you need.
I don’t feel like crap I feel pretty normal other then sex drive. It’s still not there, my balls aren’t back to normal size, and it’s really hard to keep a boner. It seems odd to me because 600 seems like a good number for test. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Do you guys have another website ... i am from NJ and i cannot get one sent to me from that website due to state laws

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Do you guys have another website ... i am from NJ and i cannot get one sent to me from that website due to state laws

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Well actually there isnt a lab within my 50 mile radius which is bizarre

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Dylan just wondering if you can give me your opinion on the lab results I posted. Based off the numbers falling in the normal ranges I was thinking I’m back to normal and it’s all in my head, but I just don’t seem to have any libido still. There’s times I think maybe it’s in my head and I’ve forgotten what normal feels like because of being on those supplements. But its very noticeable I don’t have any sex drive. I’m not sure what to do at this point. I’m not an old dude I’m 23 and I think I should have more drive than this
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