


New member
Ok very new to the SARMS world and I don't have a lot of knowledge on anything. This might be a bad post or something but I really do need help.

I've bought LGD 4033 from IRC.BIO and I was wondering what I was supposed to take after the my 30 day cycle. My friend introduced me to SARMS and he said I was supposed to take LGD for a month then osterene for a month then normal test boosters for another month.

Also I was wondering if I should start LGD now. I've been taking normal test boosters for the past 2 months and was wondering if that would negatively impact my body if I just stopped taking test boosters right now and started taking LGD.

Thanks, I know this post is really shitty and my knowledge on a lot of things are bad but hopefully you guys will help.
Well first of all bud, you should have came here before getting your sarms. is one of the worst sources you could probably use. You do not have legit LGD or real sarms whatsoever. I honestly don't know what you really have. Their prices are a dead giveaway for bunk shit. You can't sell anything remotely legit for that price
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Well first of all bud, you should have came here before getting your sarms. is one of the worst sources you could probably use. You do not have legit LGD or real sarms whatsoever. I honestly don't know what you really have. Their prices are a dead giveaway for bunk shit. You can't sell anything remotely legit for that price

So if not IRC BIO where should I get my LGD? I haven’t started yet so I can buy new ones
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