
PCT difficulties


New member
Hey guys I'm a handful of days into my PCT off a stupidly done 30mg ED dianabol cycle (no injectable test). I'm taking 100mg of clomid a day with 40mg of nolva right now and my anxiety is through the roof. Is this normal? Is it caused by the clomid and nolva? I feel like absolute trash and my mind just goes a mile a minute. Making me not want to take them but I know that's a terrible idea to stop. I have headaches and awful sleep as well. I'm not really losing gains but I'm having a hard time eating.

Would appreciate any input here so I can decide what to do next. Dylan, I wish I found your videos a month ago before I considered taking dbol. Wasn't ready and I'm the first to admit it.
Yeah that was a terrible cycle choice bro, and your pct doses are way off for Clomid which could be contributing to that. You should not be exceeding 50mg per day with Clomid.
It was a completely ignorant and uneducated decision and I'm definitely paying for it now. I'll cut the dose down to 50mg on the clomid, thanks for that info. Are clomid tabs okay to break in half? Should I take 25mg in morning and 25mg at night or the 50mg all at once? Right now I have been splitting the dose to twice a day.
It was a completely ignorant and uneducated decision and I'm definitely paying for it now. I'll cut the dose down to 50mg on the clomid, thanks for that info. Are clomid tabs okay to break in half? Should I take 25mg in morning and 25mg at night or the 50mg all at once? Right now I have been splitting the dose to twice a day.

There is no need to split the dose daily on Clomid at all. The half life on it is like 4 to 5 DAYS
one of the big problems i see with people complaining during pct is misuse of clomid specifically... you generally dont see people abuse the nolvadex dose, but clomid, for some reason, is the one people tend to go out of control with... there is never a need to exceed 50 mg of clomid... your recovery wont be nearly like it should be from running an oral only cycle but the problems you have now are likely to do with the clomid dose itself...
I went and got bloodwork done to be sure. My liver enzymes, ECG results and blood pressure and ultrasound of heart and everything are good however I have to get a separate test for hormone levels. That was general consensus from doctor was the clomid being as strong as it is and I was taking too much. They recommended I stop my PCT altogether but that makes me nervous because I know I'm suppressed.
you definitely do not want to stop pct altogether... you were told what to do with clomid man, thats up to you from there
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