


New member

I'm New to the site and a question in reference to PCT. What would guys recommend for someone coming to the end of a cycle and preparing to go back to his normal TRT dosage.
Just go back to your TRT cruise. There isn't a need for a pct like if you were running a standalone cycle.
I understand that there isn't a concern for returning my natural test levels due the use of TRT but I was wonder more about any additional things that might be beneficial to take during this time frame. I ask this after watching the YT video on PCT from Gemellie.
v1hyp said:
I understand that there isn't a concern for returning my natural test levels due the use of TRT but I was wonder more about any additional things that might be beneficial to take during this time frame. I ask this after watching the YT video on PCT from Gemellie.

as was pointed out, you don't need a pct if your going right back onto trt after cycle but if you want a pct layout then this is the best way to run it...

clomid 50/50/25/25

nolva 40/20/20/20

aromasin 12.5 mg eod

cycle assist

mk-2866 25 mg day

gw-501516 20 mg day
DylanGemelli said:
v1hyp said:
I understand that there isn't a concern for returning my natural test levels due the use of TRT but I was wonder more about any additional things that might be beneficial to take during this time frame. I ask this after watching the YT video on PCT from Gemellie.

as was pointed out, you don't need a pct if your going right back onto trt after cycle but if you want a pct layout then this is the best way to run it...

clomid 50/50/25/25

nolva 40/20/20/20

aromasin 12.5 mg eod

cycle assist

mk-2866 25 mg day

gw-501516 20 mg day


Thanks for the input. I have just one more question which I hope doesn't sound like I'm repeating myself. I thought about this after one of your videos about using MK-2866 as a bridge between cycles. So, would MK 2866 be of any use to me as a bridge even though I'll be returning to my normal dose of TRT (100mg Test-C every 7 days)?

v1hyp said:
DylanGemelli said:
v1hyp said:
I understand that there isn't a concern for returning my natural test levels due the use of TRT but I was wonder more about any additional things that might be beneficial to take during this time frame. I ask this after watching the YT video on PCT from Gemellie.

as was pointed out, you don't need a pct if your going right back onto trt after cycle but if you want a pct layout then this is the best way to run it...

clomid 50/50/25/25

nolva 40/20/20/20

aromasin 12.5 mg eod

cycle assist

mk-2866 25 mg day

gw-501516 20 mg day


Thanks for the input. I have just one more question which I hope doesn't sound like I'm repeating myself. I thought about this after one of your videos about using MK-2866 as a bridge between cycles. So, would MK 2866 be of any use to me as a bridge even though I'll be returning to my normal dose of TRT (100mg Test-C every 7 days)?


OF COURSE it is bro... you absolutely would want it as part of your bridge and its even better on trt... read my article on trt and bridges etc... ... -t345.html
v1hyp said:
DylanGemelli said:
v1hyp said:
I understand that there isn't a concern for returning my natural test levels due the use of TRT but I was wonder more about any additional things that might be beneficial to take during this time frame. I ask this after watching the YT video on PCT from Gemellie.

as was pointed out, you don't need a pct if your going right back onto trt after cycle but if you want a pct layout then this is the best way to run it...

clomid 50/50/25/25

nolva 40/20/20/20

aromasin 12.5 mg eod

cycle assist

mk-2866 25 mg day

gw-501516 20 mg day


Thanks for the input. I have just one more question which I hope doesn't sound like I'm repeating myself. I thought about this after one of your videos about using MK-2866 as a bridge between cycles. So, would MK 2866 be of any use to me as a bridge even though I'll be returning to my normal dose of TRT (100mg Test-C every 7 days)?


MK-2866 is absolutely beneficial between cycles while on TRT. I just came off of my blast and am on my TRT cruise and also just started MK-2866. I do that every time during my cruise. It helps with continued anabolism and progress, while also giving nice benefits that your body can use to help repair after all the abuse it gets during a cycle. It really helps get your body primed and ready for the next cycle in my experience
I never see anyone mention Arimidex on here..what's the difference between aromas in and Arimidex, from what I have gathered Arimidex is superior. Clomid is also An Ai isn't it.. Why 2 AI?
Lol if we have to write this again im gonna laugh. Use the search feature. Its been explained atleast a dozen times.

Cynnamonwoodberry said:
I never see anyone mention Arimidex on here..what's the difference between aromas in and Arimidex, from what I have gathered Arimidex is superior. Clomid is also An Ai isn't it.. Why 2 AI?

Clomid is absolutely not an AI bro. It does not lower estrogen. It only blocks it from binding. Aromasin is far superior to arimadex in every way. Aromasin is a suicidal inhibitor where arimadex is not. It controls estrogen much better. It also lowers SGBG, increases IGF levels, increases free test, and increases libido. It is also lipid friendly where arimadex isn't. There's no comparison
Cynnamonwoodberry said:
I never see anyone mention Arimidex on here..what's the difference between aromas in and Arimidex, from what I have gathered Arimidex is superior. Clomid is also An Ai isn't it.. Why 2 AI?

since we have covered this so many times and in such great detail i will just sum it up quickly... aromasin is FAR and i mean FAR superior to arimidex... arimidex merely suppresses estrogen and basically attempts to mitigate it with some sort of control... it is not effective for those who are gyno prone or whom are running very high doses of estrogen converting compounds... some love it but they generally are not gyno prone whatsoever... aromasin is a suicide inhibitor which will actually kill estrogen... as long as its not overdone its highly beneficial as it also raises igf levels in pct which is in imperative to recovery as well as ensuring no gyno rebound occurs... clomid IS NOT and i repeat IS NOT an ai in any way, shape or form....

clomid and nolva are receptor blockers not aromatase inhibitors
DylanGemelli said:
Cynnamonwoodberry said:
I never see anyone mention Arimidex on here..what's the difference between aromas in and Arimidex, from what I have gathered Arimidex is superior. Clomid is also An Ai isn't it.. Why 2 AI?

since we have covered this so many times and in such great detail i will just sum it up quickly... aromasin is FAR and i mean FAR superior to arimidex... arimidex merely suppresses estrogen and basically attempts to mitigate it with some sort of control... it is not effective for those who are gyno prone or whom are running very high doses of estrogen converting compounds... some love it but they generally are not gyno prone whatsoever... aromasin is a suicide inhibitor which will actually kill estrogen... as long as its not overdone its highly beneficial as it also raises igf levels in pct which is in imperative to recovery as well as ensuring no gyno rebound occurs... clomid IS NOT and i repeat IS NOT an ai in any way, shape or form....

clomid and nolva are receptor blockers not aromatase inhibitors

**So would their be any type of situation (other than lets say I actually had some gyno present) that would justify the use of NOVA? I have a bottle and not sure what to do with it after reading some of the info on this form. Thanks..
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