I am a 32 year old Male. Been training in powerlifting for about 6 years. 6' 238lbs @18% Bf.
I have been studying for months about sarms and steroids in an attempt to find something to help with my battle with quadriceps tendonitis. I finally settled with ostarine 25mg/day followed by a mini pct. I regretably did not do bloodwork beforehand, but am not to worried as it is mild and I am doing an 8 week cycle.
However. All this research has made me curious to try other things. I am interested in eventually trying a cycle of test E at around 300mg/week for 12 weeks.
Now I know what you are going to say about the bf% and test. I feel that if used causously and keeping nolva, and a AI on hand I will be fine.
The two aspects that are a bit perplexing to me and this.
1. Bloodwork. I plan to get bloodwork done before, during, and after. But after calling a walk in lab. They were not helpful as to what kind of blood test i should get(they have so many options). Also when is the best time to get bloodwork while on cycle. I would imagine that the blood test after should be done the week after ending pct.
2. I know you have covered pct quite well, and the nolva,clomid, with other supports seems to be the most popular. However there are so many different methods put there that are so dramatically different. Such as the one that intrigues me the most. Cycling hcg durring aas cycle and end both with no pct supposedly is the most effective, but doesn't seem very popular. How can I figure out what method will be best for me.
I hope you had the time to read this. I really have tried to study up as much as I could on everything about aas cycles, but it has gotten to the point that my more I study, the more questions I have about pct.
I have been studying for months about sarms and steroids in an attempt to find something to help with my battle with quadriceps tendonitis. I finally settled with ostarine 25mg/day followed by a mini pct. I regretably did not do bloodwork beforehand, but am not to worried as it is mild and I am doing an 8 week cycle.
However. All this research has made me curious to try other things. I am interested in eventually trying a cycle of test E at around 300mg/week for 12 weeks.
Now I know what you are going to say about the bf% and test. I feel that if used causously and keeping nolva, and a AI on hand I will be fine.
The two aspects that are a bit perplexing to me and this.
1. Bloodwork. I plan to get bloodwork done before, during, and after. But after calling a walk in lab. They were not helpful as to what kind of blood test i should get(they have so many options). Also when is the best time to get bloodwork while on cycle. I would imagine that the blood test after should be done the week after ending pct.
2. I know you have covered pct quite well, and the nolva,clomid, with other supports seems to be the most popular. However there are so many different methods put there that are so dramatically different. Such as the one that intrigues me the most. Cycling hcg durring aas cycle and end both with no pct supposedly is the most effective, but doesn't seem very popular. How can I figure out what method will be best for me.
I hope you had the time to read this. I really have tried to study up as much as I could on everything about aas cycles, but it has gotten to the point that my more I study, the more questions I have about pct.