
Particular synergy of this trio


Hey guys. Synergy question here but ill give the full cycle breakdown for shits&gigs.

Im interested in how well aromatization of say, 25mg daily of dbol would be ran alongside of say 200mg TrenE, 400mg Masteron, perhaps 400mg of Primo as well. Yes, aromasin would be involved.
I know ppl hate on dbol but the cost and sense of well being just makes it a dam winner in my book. Also, ive had outstanding success running low dose tren and frankly, every compound ive ever tried including deca and mast, minus anavar. Had to run that high. Havent really experimented low dosing orals yet except dbol and halo. They went successfully as well.

the full breakdown would look like:
Dbol-25mg ed
Proviron-50mg ed

On cycle protection is a given
Pct is a given

This is months out so there is plenty of time to alter things. Just theory here. Thanks so much bros.
Please post your full stats, goals, and cycle history.
Youll just have to try it and see. Everyone responds differently etc

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Thanks dylan. Pretty much what ive learned. Just thought id throw it out there.

Ccbram...30years old, 6’1 252@15%. Goals would be kicking off the cycle leading into a prep.
30yo, 6’1, 252@15%
History: several runs of trene along with having run deca, eq, maste, most orals. I dont fuck with short esters
i dont particularly care for it in this scenario but thats just my opinion... you do whatever you want to do
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