
Osterine and surgery


New member
Hey guys I just had surgery for a fractured patella. I am an active guy. I was wondering if it would be logical to run a low dose of ostarine to help me recover from surgery and prevent muscle wastage. What are your thoughts? I will also be lifting a bit of upper body until my leg heals.
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yes yes yes. not even a low dose run the recommended dosing. I notice the 1st post do you have osta from sarmsx? please don't tell me you got it from the local supplement shop or ebay
gw is targeted more for muscle wastage, ostarine for healing. Both is a good combo for you.\
I have not purchased yet, so what is the best/purest brand of SARM, also I am on low doses of oxycodone, tramadol, Tylenol, and aspirin, is that safe to combine?
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I never take opiate related pain meds so I have no history there or know of interactions but I dont see why there would be. Tylenol is in oxy so u may want to stop the extra tylenol and taking oxy and trams are asking for trouble. Usually its one or the other. Gotta keep a close eye on that shit bro. I know. Trust me. It isnt supposed to not hurt or not feel comfortable. Only take that shit if it is excruciating.

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These oxy are Tylenol free..anyways what's the best brand of the ostarine Sarmsx? Or SARM1?

Stay far away from sarms1. Sarmsx is what you want to use. Get your Ostarine from

If you want the best healing abilities possible go with the healing and recovery stack

1-12 MK-2866 25mg ED dosed once in the AM
1-12 LGD 10mg per day dosed once in the AM
1-12 MK-677 25mg per day dosed once in the AM


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day
the healing stack rick gave you is the BEST option for crazy rapid healing.. you CAN run mk2866 on its own and get excellent results as well... one thing i can guarantee you with a million percent certainty is that sarms has the highest quality you can find..
So the suppression from mk2866 on a 12 week cycle would not result in testicular atrophy?
im certain i did not stutter but since you think its necessary for me to repeat myself, the answer WILL NOT CHANGE... NO... the suppression is nothing like a steroid, its minimal at best
I have been using LGD and 2866 for almost 3 years now...and last year I had 2 major surgeries within 2 months of each other. Both surgeries I already experienced once before...rotator and bipolar hemiarthroplasty...and this second time... both SARMS cut my recovery times by 65%+...from the first time I had the surgeries. Not to mention the retaining of the muscle I had throughout...
I have been using LGD and 2866 for almost 3 years now...and last year I had 2 major surgeries within 2 months of each other. Both surgeries I already experienced once before...rotator and bipolar hemiarthroplasty...and this second time... both SARMS cut my recovery times by 65%+...from the first time I had the surgeries. Not to mention the retaining of the muscle I had throughout...
absolutely awesome bro! thanks for sharing... thats amazing to say the least
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