
Ostarine problems


New member
hy guys so im running ostarine 20 mg a day and I got some concern about some pain in my balls that a normal side effect and if somebody knows what does that mean . Idk if its a normal sf or a sing of a prohormone ? ty

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so what to do now ? get off of it and start pct or ? and what should I normaly use for ostarine pct ? Many of my friends said that I dont rly need pct for 20 mg / 8 week ostarine cycle cuz its not that supresive

Poslano sa mog SM-G920F koristeći Tapatalk
so what to do now ? get off of it and start pct or ? and what should I normaly use for ostarine pct ? Many of my friends said that I dont rly need pct for 20 mg / 8 week ostarine cycle cuz its not that supresive

Poslano sa mog SM-G920F koristeći Tapatalk

If it was actual Ostarine then it wouldn't be that suppressive. The issue is you probably don't have Ostarine at all. Where is it from? A lot of the stuff in capsules are actually prohormones, and if it is that you need to run a full pct because you will be completely shutdown. Since you are experiencing some testicle pain from atrophy, it tells me you probably are on a prohormone and not Ostarine.

For future reference, only stick with for your SARMS needs. Don't trust anything else

Here is the pct you need to be running and get off of that stuff ASAP

Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
MK-2866 25mg ED
GW 20mg ED
Not a sarm. However I find it weird that so many guys get nut pain with prohormones. I can't recall that ever happening to me on a PH. Man trash that mess and order from You will be satisfied and you won't need to worry about all the shady PH side effects.

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Not a sarm. However I find it weird that so many guys get nut pain with prohormones. I can't recall that ever happening to me on a PH. Man trash that mess and order from You will be satisfied and you won't need to worry about all the shady PH side effects.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I never really did either with anything I've ever taken, including very suppressive steroid cycles....but some guys get more testicular atrophy and associated pain than others. It just depends on the individual
please let us know where you bought the ostarine so i know if you were taking a sarm or a prohormone... i need to know so i can help you because if it was in fact a pro hormone you MUST run a full pct asap...
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