Hey guys looking for some insight. Going to be doing a new cycle. Never used npp before but my goals are to bulk up by gaining lean muscle mass without holding on to too much water. Hopefully 10 to 15lbs would be nice. I am 27 years old, lifted naturally for 7 years. Started cycling about 2 years ago. First 2 cycles consisted of just test only. Both lasting 12 weeks and gave me awesome results. Was doing only half a cc of test susta 250 2x a week for those ones. Never did pct on first cycle cause lack of knowledge. 2nd one I did PL clomid and nolvo just like Dylan recommends and I felt fine. Never did get mk or gw like he recommended though. Ok now 3rd cycle I did test prop and masterone 100 eod for 12 weeks and was blown away by the gains. Felt super dry, hard, and managed to gain 20 lbs. Energy was great, strength increase, and all of the above. I had a great cycle with this stuff. Did a pct of only arimidex eod and I took a natural test booster(which I know ppl disagree with) buy guess what! I feel fine! Have no issues having sex with my gf and feel normal as far as energy and drive. Maybe a little bit low on energy here and there but feel like that's normal. Btw I am 6foot2 190lbs and i just checked my bf and am at a 11percent. I always am fighting skinny if you will. When I cycle I go up to about 210. Soooo my question is, can I run this cycle without caber? I know some ppl say prolactin issues occur but I've also read that you don't need caber as long as your estro is under control. Or if you are not prone to these type of problems your not going to need it. I have prescribed arimidex, test prop, and npp. That's it! And before anyone starts tripping I haven't started this cycle yet! That's why I'm here asking questions FIRST lol. Also please give insight on proper doses. Thanks alot
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