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Hi guys and gals, I wanted to start by introducing myself, my names Jonny and I've been sort of lurking on the forums reading as much as I can for a while now, I go to gym a lot, working on bulking up and generally looking better. I've just turned 30 (I'll never feel older than 19!) and I'm 6 foot 6 and 200lb. Now I've had a horrendous life and have no self esteem, I basically hate myself and I'm on antidepressants and all sorts. But since starting to lift, watching the changes to my body and personality I feel fucking reborn! Anyways due to my tallness I thought to myself, wait a minute I could actually be the biggest tallest fittest beefiest person I have ever met if I dedicated myself to it. And that's what I'm doing! So I was wondering if anybody had used a company called Alpha Form labs - I already have some stuff from them you see and if anybody could let me know if they are shit or legit?

Sorry for the rant, I hope this is in the right place, and I hope that I can get in the right place moving forward, stop hating myself so much and start to love what I see in the mirror after thirty years of loathing.

Cheers guys.
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Welcome aboard! I can't help ya on the lab but congrats on turning your thoughts around, we can achieve what we want to if we put our minds, time and dedicate ourselves to achieving it! Keep at it man!
Training can be an important part of an overall healthy lifestyle and outlook. Healthy eating, spirituality, good mental health services...pursuing your dream; all important parts of finding greater freedom in life.

Tell me more about your training; your body split, sets/reps, intensity, and how long you have been consistent. I would warn you against jumping into gear until you are sure you have maxed out your natural potential. I've seen guys get on too fast and the results were not good. Clear training designs and diet will create an environment for you to bring out your best, and the lessons you learn in the gym can be generalized to every other area of your life.

I trained "natural" for over 15 years and in that time I transformed my life in every way imaginable.

You've got this.....
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