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So basically long story short I did my first cycle of Tren and test .5 of each equaling 1 cc. I'm 6'0 260lbs and overweight and I'm 31 years old. My testosterone level was at a 241 5 weeks ago. I'm was going to a testosterone treatment replacement therapy but it's became to expensive so I had discontinue to go.. I'm not trying to bodybuild just to look better. I'm currently taking milk thistle and will be on the lookout tomorrow for an estrogen blocker at the local pharmacy. I'm currently takeing high blood pressure medication high cholesterol medication and anxiety medication for about 3 years now. I was scared AF but I'm still alive. I'll probably do the same routine for 10 weeks .5 of each twice a week. Is Nolvadex required to take once I finish the bottles? I read up on it and it says its for woman with cancer, kinda threw me off?! I'm just curious to see if I'm going about doing things the right way I'm not all about abusing anything just barely getting into the game. Any and all help is so much appreciated! Thanks!!! p.s.tren & test is the only things I know how to get a hold of...
You did tren as your first cycle and you take blood pressure meds and you're overweight? Dylan is pulling his hair out as I type this lol
Walking disaster is what this is! Have fun having a heart attack being overweight cuz tren does put alot of extra stress on your heart. And since your overweight your just multiplying it

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Ok...let's just nip this trt shit in the bud fucked up your endocrine system
Even with proper vigorous PCT it can take 6 month to a year to recover natural Testosterone production

"Getting in the game"
Dude.... you're a million miles from the stadium!

You need to stop this nonsense!
Steroids are for people in TOP SHAPE
You are in for a world of hurt if you continue
You have a lot to learn... you obviously have the wrong impression of what steroids are, how they work and what they can and cannot do...
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So basically long story short I did my first cycle of Tren and test .5 of each equaling 1 cc. I'm 6'0 260lbs and overweight and I'm 31 years old. My testosterone level was at a 241 5 weeks ago. I'm was going to a testosterone treatment replacement therapy but it's became to expensive so I had discontinue to go.. I'm not trying to bodybuild just to look better. I'm currently taking milk thistle and will be on the lookout tomorrow for an estrogen blocker at the local pharmacy. I'm currently takeing high blood pressure medication high cholesterol medication and anxiety medication for about 3 years now. I was scared AF but I'm still alive. I'll probably do the same routine for 10 weeks .5 of each twice a week. Is Nolvadex required to take once I finish the bottles? I read up on it and it says its for woman with cancer, kinda threw me off?! I'm just curious to see if I'm going about doing things the right way I'm not all about abusing anything just barely getting into the game. Any and all help is so much appreciated! Thanks!!! p.s.tren & test is the only things I know how to get a hold of...

getting into the game?? bro, what the heck are you doing. this is not a GAME. you are overweight. you already messed up. you don't have to say youre not trying to bodybuild, someone overweight with a bad mindset can never be a bodybuilder. this crap is not a game, and you have to dedicate YEARS to mastering your physique
This isn't even funny. Bud this is a SERIOUS health risk your taking so lightly..

PLEASE DO NO NOT GO FORWARD WITH YOUR PLAN. Sit down and listen up.. There's far better and safer options.


[email protected]
^This. It sounds like you have some serious health issues that need attention. What you're doing right now will ruin you. Please stop and get your health in control first.
There is nothing right here. Dude you gotta research research research before you start injecting life changing substances. You're overweight(at least you admit that), high blood pressure, tren, I'm assuming enanthate first cycle, no fucking clue about pct, assuming no ancillaries, trt mess, etc. Please stay clear of steroids for your own good. You're not ready physically or knowledgeable enough for them. I'm sorry but it's the truth

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So basically long story short I did my first cycle of Tren and test .5 of each equaling 1 cc. I'm 6'0 260lbs and overweight and I'm 31 years old. My testosterone level was at a 241 5 weeks ago. I'm was going to a testosterone treatment replacement therapy but it's became to expensive so I had discontinue to go.. I'm not trying to bodybuild just to look better. I'm currently taking milk thistle and will be on the lookout tomorrow for an estrogen blocker at the local pharmacy. I'm currently takeing high blood pressure medication high cholesterol medication and anxiety medication for about 3 years now. I was scared AF but I'm still alive. I'll probably do the same routine for 10 weeks .5 of each twice a week. Is Nolvadex required to take once I finish the bottles? I read up on it and it says its for woman with cancer, kinda threw me off?! I'm just curious to see if I'm going about doing things the right way I'm not all about abusing anything just barely getting into the game. Any and all help is so much appreciated! Thanks!!! p.s.tren & test is the only things I know how to get a hold of...

Just STOP EVERYTHING you are planning to do bro. What are you planning to kill yourself? This is a huge fucking mess. You are in no shape at all ready for steroids, and already have to take medication for high blood pressure, cholesterol. And you want to take the most harsh steroid out there that will completely wreck those numbers? Unless you have a death wish you need to stay far away from Tren or any steroid at all.

Learn how to eat and train properly bro. Period

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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