
New Year, new cycle..would love your guys input.


New member
Hope everyone has a good 2018.

Im asking for a little advice for my future cycle..

Ive done 2 cycles so far, i've done 2 cycles so far in my lifetime, 1st was a test e only cycle, 2nd was a test/e, tren ace cycle.

Please keep in mind i do understand that doing tren my second cycle was a mistake, but i dont regret it. I learned a lot about myself, my body, peds, controlling estro, side effects, everything. It was an experience that taught me so much.

The problem is , my second cycle was dosed at only 200 test e, then tren at 350. I kept doses low just to see how to handle the effects and like i said, i was stupid and young.

It's been 2 years since then, and ive decided to get back on a cycle for the new year. Im a much more mature person, and i understand the pros and cons much better. I just went to my local sports doctor who knows i have used/will use peds, and he says im perfectly healthy and he is there if i need him during cycle..

i would love for your guys opinions on this cycle im planing on doing.. and what your guys experience is.

if any of you could please answer the 3 questions on the bottom that would be amazing.. thanks yall.

I am 6'2 225 about 15%bf

Weeks 1-4 -Test E @500mg
Weeks 4-14 -Test E @250mg - Tren A @500mg
Weeks 1-16 -Aromasin I've used arimidex before, this is my first time with aromasin, but ive watched tons of dylans videos and he suggest aromasin for more gyno proned men(start at 12mg, depending on how i feel upper or lower)
Weeks 14-18 Nolva/Clomid

Couple questions i would love answered..

1. Doses, do any of you have any recoomendations of how i should run the test and tren? with all my research people say to run tren higher then test, some people say run the, evenly, some then say run more test then tren.. what do you guys suggest?

2. Since i am using tren A, should i change to something thats a faster acting test? like sust, or prop?

3. does anyone think i should just arimidex instead of aromasin? once again, different people say different things, i undrestand once is a suicide inhibitor and ones a blocker..

What is your age?

Your pct is nowhere near complete.

Where is your on cycle prolactin protection?
so you already ran tren on a second cycle, which is way too early and want to continue making the same mistakes?
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