
New to it all


New member
Hi I'm new to all of this, haven't really ever worked out, and I was wondering how I should start out and what I should take, supplement wise, to get bigger at a good steady pace. I also don't want to go into steroids right off the bat since I'm only 18, I'd like to start with simple stuff then work my way up to MAYBE, strong maybe, using them.
Welcome, The most important thing you can do at your age is hit the gym hard, and get you're diet in check.
You have plenty of time to grow naturally without adding anyting that can hurt you.
Welcome to Isarms. It's nice seeing an 18 year old with a good head on his shoulders doing things the right way. At your age right now you just need a good solid training and diet plan and you can grow like crazy. The link above is a great place to start to get your nutrition down right. Tell us a little but about what you are doing training wise and we can help you get that dialed in as well
Well I'm not really doing anything training wise because like I said I'm new to all of this, but I play soccer and stay in shape for that by running 1.5 miles a day and that's about it training wise. Do you know any beginner workout regiments you know?
Well I'm not really doing anything training wise because like I said I'm new to all of this, but I play soccer and stay in shape for that by running 1.5 miles a day and that's about it training wise. Do you know any beginner workout regiments you know?

Question before we answer:

Do you want to get bigger as you posted or improve your game as a soccer player?
Welcome to the board man. It's refreshing to see a young guy who's not a complete mess. You're playing this very smart by focusing on the basics first. What are your overall goals? Stats would be nice too (age, height, weight, bf%)
You have 7 years before even needing to think about them so I'm glad you're starting off right. Welcome to the board! You don't even need supplements buddy. Eat a fuck ton of healthy food and you'll grow. That's all you need for a while.

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