
Approved Log New Cycle RCS sarms Log


Been outta the loop for a while. Changes in life and finances but still here lifting...that won't ever change. Last cycle was great with results. Umbrella labs is legit...but...pricey....going to run same cycle but with RCS caps...


Might add proviron..might not. Depends on finances...need to lose some fluff ive gained due to life changes...and gain some lost strength... this will be my log. Will update when start the cycle. LFG!
Nice man! I am really looking forward to following along. Both are great sources so I am curious to see your feedback on the differences between them.
Plan on 12 week Rad140 + GW cycle...
Had a few questions before I RCS sells 15mg caps x 60, umbrella sells 10mg caps x 60...RCS is a little more cheaper price than Umbrella...if I get RCS can I run 30mgs of Rad for 12 weeks? Or stick to 20mg for 12 weeks? This would be my 4th or 5th cycle....last was rad140/mk2866/gw for 12 weeks...I am not on TRT so would I need some sort of test base or SERM to run 30mg of Rad140? Will run enclomiphene mini-pcy after. Thanks
Plan on 12 week Rad140 + GW cycle...
Had a few questions before I RCS sells 15mg caps x 60, umbrella sells 10mg caps x 60...RCS is a little more cheaper price than Umbrella...if I get RCS can I run 30mgs of Rad for 12 weeks? Or stick to 20mg for 12 weeks? This would be my 4th or 5th cycle....last was rad140/mk2866/gw for 12 weeks...I am not on TRT so would I need some sort of test base or SERM to run 30mg of Rad140? Will run enclomiphene mini-pcy after. Thanks
Yes, 30 is the max i would go with rad... you can run a test booster on cycle with it but a serm is not necessary
Yes, 30 is the max i would go with rad... you can run a test booster on cycle with it but a serm is not necessary
Ok thanks!

Placed order from RCS...3 bottled each of rad140 and GW for 12 weeks...rad140 x 30mg per day, GW x 20mg per day. Hope it goes well. 1st time running rad140 alone besides gw.

What can I expect?
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