Hello guys
I need help!
So i started my first cycle on 15 mg of ostarine from science.bio (liquid), 15 minutes after i took it i felt an energy rush and got very hyped.
The first gym session went amazing hitting pr after the first session, but after a couple of days i felt my balls were shrinking and after 1 week it shrunk double the size of what i used to be, and i fear that i have gotten pro hormones not sarms, any help and advice what i should do?
My first plan is to lower the dose to 10mg but i read that ostarine is very mild and it shouldn't suppress that easy!
I need help!
So i started my first cycle on 15 mg of ostarine from science.bio (liquid), 15 minutes after i took it i felt an energy rush and got very hyped.
The first gym session went amazing hitting pr after the first session, but after a couple of days i felt my balls were shrinking and after 1 week it shrunk double the size of what i used to be, and i fear that i have gotten pro hormones not sarms, any help and advice what i should do?
My first plan is to lower the dose to 10mg but i read that ostarine is very mild and it shouldn't suppress that easy!