
Nearly Passed Out...


I started on my second cycle Saturday, 250 Deca/250 test c once a week (yes I have caber and an AI. I'm also running LGD and GW). Big props to IWGF & BGS.
Anyways I pinned VG as usual and it didn't really hurt, but once I buried it I started feeling nauseous and light headed.
I went slow and the longer I stood there the worse I felt, I seriously thought I was gonna puke or pass out with a pin in me.
I kinda rushed the last half cc and then sat down in front of the crapper with cold sweats, it took about 10 mins for me to feel right again.
I'm thinking some part of my brain just didn't like watching the pin go in, it's weird thought b/c I didn't have any issues pinning on my first cycle.
na this was my first pin in like 15 or 16 weeks, so that's probably what it was.
I'm never really nervous about pinning, this time I was just stoked cause I'm excited about trying deca.
the stuff went in like butter tho, I'm very impressed with the BGS stuff.
IWGF def has a repeat custo here.
I've seen good gains with just LGD, so this should be a good cycle. I was gonna stack on some tbol too but he was out when i put my order in.
I've seen this happen to some people out of the blue like that. Definitely anxiety. The problem is once it starts it just works you up even more to make it worse and worse

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
I've seen this happen to some people out of the blue like that. Definitely anxiety. The problem is once it starts it just works you up even more to make it worse and worse

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

eh, i'm not too worried, I'll just make sure I'm sitting down next time, though i prefer to stand.
Next time try taking nice shallow breath when your pinning and have a cold glass of water next to you.

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Anxiety. Hands down. Dont psyche yourself out. Just deep breathe. breath out and slow.

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