There is a prevalent goal around the world when it comes to fat loss... Everyone wants an aid, quick fix, or enhancement but often times, many are dangerous methods to get something drastic and often times leave a user far worse off than when they began. Many are not sustainable, can cause drastic weight increase when use is discontinued or can cause long and short term side effects that can be extremely dangerous to the potential user. I have a list of natural fat burning and fat loss aids that I personally use and implement on my clients that are very safe and very effective... Here is list of what I use and/or recommend
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Chromium Picolinate
Raspberry ketones
Green bean coffee extract
This is by no means all there is for natural fat burning but these are all some of my staples I use daily with a high rate of effectiveness...
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Chromium Picolinate
Raspberry ketones
Green bean coffee extract
This is by no means all there is for natural fat burning but these are all some of my staples I use daily with a high rate of effectiveness...