Hello Dylan I am a follower of yours on Youtube of about 3 years now and of everyone out there you are the only one that I can trust. First let me say that I am not trolling you this is serious and I need some help but try not to judge me to harshly. Ok, about 4 months ago my doctor checked my testosterone levels and I showed 213 so he started me on TRT at 200mg test cypionate once every two weeks. I didn't really notice anything until after the 2nd shot and then I was still far from feeling like Superman like I had hoped. I take prescription meds that have a side effect of lowering test. After doing some research I decided that I would just go ahead and start adding some test of my own so I bought a vile of test Enanthate 300mg/ml and on the weeks I get my shot from the doc I also take a shot of 300mg test E and on the weeks I don't see the doc I take 600mg test E per week by 2 injections that week. The week after I started adding my test E I started to really feel good like the old me again and I love it! So here is my problem, I just went and got my 8th Test C shot from the doc and he told me that when I come back in 2 weeks he was going to check my levels. If I stop taking my Test E shot right now up until after blood is drawn do you think he will still be able to tell if I have added some of my own because he will flip out and go off on me for sure if he finds out. Also I have noticed that my balls seem to be shrinking a bit. Do you think I have took too much to the point that my balls have stopped producing natural Test? I just really don't know what to do at this point and I really would appreciate any help you can give me. I am 36 years old and im 5'11 218 pounds with a fairly athletic build and I do hit the gym 3 days per week. Thank you so much for your time!