
MissBizz's Transformation Log


Active member
OK here's the start of my log. Pics will be posted tonight or tomorrow we haven't taken them yet.

My story (keeping it short): I am not a competitor or really even a bodybuilder, I'm just a mom who is trying to get as fit as possible for myself. I've been morbidly obese at one point in my life lost 70lbs on my own, kept it off a few years and then gained 50lbs back. So I lost all of that kept it off for about a year before joining here. Naturally for me it was about losing weight, not building muscle.

In summer 2015 I ran a short 6 weeks triple stack with lgd..and actually I did lose a bit of body fat and had some muscles starting to show.

After that I ran the triple stack with the addition of sr9009, and had amazing results.

Last year around this time I ran a primo/eq blend, var, gw and sr9009.

The primo didn't treat me well and in fact I developed a boil on my bikini line. I didn't have staph however I had to be on antibiotics, and it left a hole in my skin which remained open for 20 weeks. I barely had been working out as it just felt as if the hole was ripping open more, I also was in my final semester of school so couldn't fit workout into my schedule.

This is where we fast forward to now. I gained some fat with all that. I won't weigh myself, however I'm back in full force with workouts and my diet. Currently taking gw and sr9009 and have been for i believe 4 weeks. I just started yesterday 15mg of Valhalla var (which tastes like smarties lol) and plan on pulling in rad140 when I receive.

My workouts consist if typically 5 days a week, cardio all days a mixture of steady state and hiit. I just started a hiit class that I plan on doing 2 times a week that is an hour long.

Lifting is:
Back and bis
Legs and glutes
Shoulders and abs
Chest and tris

Typically I rest 30 seconds between my lifts.
I'm running this log to keep me motivated and to drop this fat I've gained.

My diet is my biggest problem as I've always ate to lose weight and dropping fat and gaining muscle is completely different. I try to keep it at 1200-1400 calories macros 50p/30fat/20carb...
after my first hiit class I was spent and severely hungry for 2 days so I may need to readjust. Any tips are welcome.
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Awesome. I'll follow along. Its a huge accomplishment making a life change the way you did and you've definitely come a long way since I've known you on the board. Put in that work!
Thank you guys for the support...oh BTW all my hints paid off bigb finally popped the question. I haven't said anything but since this is my log I decided to throw it out there!
Thank you guys for the support...oh BTW all my hints paid off bigb finally popped the question. I haven't said anything but since this is my log I decided to throw it out there!
Aawww shit! About time right? Lol. Congrats to you both.
I asked my girlfriend who is a nutritionist and she said ur cal intake is good for weightloss. Perhaps just ur body reacting to less cals and may even out over time. But thats just a broad eval without knowing weight and height etc

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I showed her your post and she said you should also raise ur cals based on ur menstrual cycle

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I showed her your post and she said you should also raise ur cals based on ur menstrual cycle

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Thank you for the info and tell her thank you as well. I know with the var I won't have a period but I'm only running that for 6 weeks so I shall readjust when it comes back. Thank both very much.
Thank you for the info and tell her thank you as well. I know with the var I won't have a period but I'm only running that for 6 weeks so I shall readjust when it comes back. Thank both very much.
No prob.

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Hey MissBizz. It's TOGs wife. Congrats and rock this shit!!!! I'll be following!!

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Hey MissBizz. It's TOGs wife. Congrats and rock this shit!!!! I'll be following!!

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Awesome to have you I'm so glad you joined!!!! Yay!!! [emoji4] Thank you for the support any advice you have or want to add in at anytime I'd truly appreciate!
Awesome and congrats!!!! My wife just got rid of a wound pump for 2 open wounds that were infected from surgery. Sucks. She is joining and will be following along.

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Awesome and congrats!!!! My wife just got rid of a wound pump for 2 open wounds that were infected from surgery. Sucks. She us joining and will be following along.

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This shit scares of the reasons I haven't decided to do a tummy tuck!!! I hope everything is better now!! I seem her comment I'm so happy she joined!!
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It was rough. She went septic and we were within hours of losing her but she is a fuckin fighter and kicked its ass. She has a road ahead and is looking forward to her first run. We will definitely pick your brain for that one!!!

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It was rough. She went septic and we were within hours of losing her but she is a fuckin fighter and kicked its ass. She has a road ahead and is looking forward to her first run. We will definitely pick your brain for that one!!!

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Wow...that's horrible...I'm happy she got through it and is recovering...I will be glad to help her out. She or you can come to me any time.
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