This was the 6th week of the cycle
Running test cyp @ 350mg/wk (split into 2 doses)
Tbol @ 60mg/day (first 6 wks)
Deca @350mg a day (split into 2 doses)
Total test was at 1736
Estradiol was at 56 (extremely estrogen prone) and I'm running aromasin at 12.5mg daily
Prolactin was at .6 (running caber @.5 E3D)
Thinking I should up my test and deca to 450-500mg.. I've experienced zero strength gains in the gym so I'm thinking I'm just not absorbing this well.
Trt of of 200mg has had me around 1000 in the past (I lowered it to 150 on my own)
Running test cyp @ 350mg/wk (split into 2 doses)
Tbol @ 60mg/day (first 6 wks)
Deca @350mg a day (split into 2 doses)
Total test was at 1736
Estradiol was at 56 (extremely estrogen prone) and I'm running aromasin at 12.5mg daily
Prolactin was at .6 (running caber @.5 E3D)
Thinking I should up my test and deca to 450-500mg.. I've experienced zero strength gains in the gym so I'm thinking I'm just not absorbing this well.
Trt of of 200mg has had me around 1000 in the past (I lowered it to 150 on my own)