
Looking for S22


Hey Gang Been looking for the Sarm s22 But not having any luck, Can anyone tell me a bit more about it? Besizes it being the Best Muscle building Sarm, And it being 3 TIMES MORE EFFECTIVE THAN TESTOSTERONE PROPIONATE . I can't find it any where, If you know where i can get my hands on it Please PM me thanks,
Re: RE: Looking for S22

bwinn said:
Hey Gang Been looking for the Sarm s22 But not having any luck, Can anyone tell me a bit more about it? Besizes it being the Best Muscle building Sarm, And it being 3 TIMES MORE EFFECTIVE THAN TESTOSTERONE PROPIONATE . I can't find it any where, If you know where i can get my hands on it Please PM me thanks,
You're the second person I've seen post about this and I've never heard of this sarm. I would like to learn more though.
S22 is an AR – a member of the steroid receptor super-family and plays a significant role in various genetic practices such as the growth and maintenance of the secondary sexual organs, muscle, bone and others.

S22 is a non-steroidal receptor modulator which act as tissue selective agonists or antagonists through their own receptor and offer a unique and tissue-selective pharmacologic style to muscle building minus the negative side effects brought by steroids.

S22 is the most effective SARMS for bodybuilding. It has shown that S22’s tissue selectivity by activation or repression of genomic and non-genomic signal transduction conduits are different from those used by DHT (dihydrotestosterone) – a sex steroid and androgen hormone. Also, it has no androgenic activity in non-skeletal muscle tissues, only on bone and muscle tissues.

Thus, it is a possible treatment option for andropause, to enhance bone density, muscle wasting illnesses ranging from aging to cancer or AIDS.

In addition, SARMS S22 is 3 times more potent and efficient than Testosterone Propionate (the most powerful steroid).

SARM S22 is accessible with a valid prescription as an oral capsule, injection or transdermal liposomal cream. It can be used by both men and women.

SARMS S22 is detectable by blood and urine tests for 72 hours.

The Benefits of S22

S22 can:

Help you build massive muscles
Maintain your gains
Get you more buffed and ripped without sacrificing your health
Improves your strength and endurance for better performance
You really believe / think a sarm could be 3x more powerful than testosterone ? That's like tren status
Just posted the info i found on the s22 bud, Have never used s22, But have used s4 an mk2866 liked how i felt on them,
I'm curious why they are calling testosterone propionate the most powerful steroid, when it clearly isn't...and the ester attached is pretty insignificant other than propionate giving a slight mg for mg edge over other esters
Yea, I read up on it last night surety seeing this thread and I couldn't find any real data, just claims. Unbelievable claims at that.
Re: RE: Re: Looking for S22

ibleedoranbla said:
Yea, I read up on it last night surety seeing this thread and I couldn't find any real data, just claims. Unbelievable claims at that.
This is the part that makes me skeptical. I'd like to find actual real world feedback on it
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