
looking for a professional opinion


New member
Hello Dylan, I want to start of by thanking you for the wealth of knowledge you give so freely. I'm a big fan and I always look to you for guidance. I'm 28 years old and I'm 6'3 at 240 lbs at 20~25% body fat. I've tried the gw and mk sarms stack and it did in fact help a lot, especially with a minor wrist injury I have. I'm looking for information for a future first cycle.

I'm looking for a good source for testosterone enanthate for a first cycle. I am not in a hurry to start any time soon because I have a goal to hit 15~10% body fat, at that time I may or may not decide to use anything due to my fear of needles. I'm just having trouble finding a reputable source. I read mixed reviews all over the place and I'm very hesitant to even persure that avenue. what is your opinion on pharmacom, it seems reputable to me but I'd like to hear from someone with actual experience and not just trolls or reps. Any insight would be greatly appreciated, I'm sure you get thousands of the same emails asking the same silly questions every day and I'm sorry If it's a ridiculous request. thankyou for everything Dylan, I'll appreciate any answer back weather it's criticism or not. Thankyou again and I'll look forward to hearing from you
you can go to the source section and ask here but please do not ask me for sources bro... you have to know that i want nothing to do with that and you are a LONG LONG way from being anywhere near steroid use so i would not be worrying about that whatsoever.. you need to be in the 12-13% range before you run any type of steroid
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