
LGD and Cardarine


New member
HI Dylan,
I just received some LGD-4033 and cardarine from sarmsx and am wondering if there is any negative to running them together for bulking? I have read in some places that the cardarine may prevent some muscle gain? thanks
Not at all! If anything it will just keep gains 100% clean. It adds endurance so you can really increase the intensity. Once week 3 or 4 rolls around the GW and LGD will definitely both be in full effect and with increased/endurance gains are on the table for the taking. It'll be up to you to capitalize at that point!
You can most definitely run these two together and it will NOT be detrimental to muscle gains in any way shape or form.
HI Dylan,
I just received some LGD-4033 and cardarine from sarmsx and am wondering if there is any negative to running them together for bulking? I have read in some places that the cardarine may prevent some muscle gain? thanks

absolutely you can and should run those together... bro, whoever or wherever you were told such absurdity about GW, i would highly advise to not ever go back for info there... that is the biggest crock of shit... gw maintains muscle the entire way... its excellent for fat loss but one of the main qualities that it has is the ability to melt fat why maintaining muscle... its not going to add much size at all, but that doesn't mean you lose it either... GW's main benefits are the amazing endurance you obtain with it which allows you to have maximum output... that leads to the best possible gains... it also treats cholesterol issues, making it very important to run with anabolics, not to mention it protects against cortisol... GW is the ultimate performance enhancer.. you are going to love it...
Ive stacked these two before and they worked well paired together. I would have to say my favorite is yk11 with mk677 and ac 262,356. It is going well
HI Dylan,
I just received some LGD-4033 and cardarine from sarmsx and am wondering if there is any negative to running them together for bulking? I have read in some places that the cardarine may prevent some muscle gain? thanks

Absolutely stack them bro. GW actually helps muscle gain because you process nutrients better while on it and it reduces cortisol. They make an awesome combo, and adding in RAD and S4 would make it even better, which I highly recommend

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 RAD-140 20mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day
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