


Active member
Has anyone tried kratom either in a powder, leaf or capsule? I've read that in low doses it acts as a stimulant but in higer doses acts as a sedative and even has pain killing properties.

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It's kind of like need to get it from a good source

I've been using it for a couple years.....really helps to get me thru a grueling workout or long cardio session
It also can act as a mild analgesic booster...or even a mild depressant
It's all dose dependent
Best as a tea made from leaf....stay away from powder as its strength is usually degraded
I live in Indonesia close to where it is grown
PM me if you want a good source or further info on types and uses

Interesting. A friend gave me some so I don't know anything about it but what he told me. He told me to take it with turmeric as a catalyst.

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[email protected]
I use Maeng Da Kratom before I workout and it's a great stimulant that doesn't effect heart rate. Similar to coffee in my opinion without the nerves.

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