
kind of a newbie here, need some help


New member
Stats first:

Age 52

Height 6-3

Weight 288

Body fat % not sure but 99% of it is in my guy, in the worst place

Years of training since early teens

Complete cycle history (compounds, doses, lengths of time, when they were run) really just replacment therapy, 2mls a week, and a little amidex few times a week

PCT for each cycle : i dont know what PCT is but I have a good consistent normal T level at 2ml's,

Goals: loose lots of fat, I want a 6 pack, I don't need to be a whole lot stronger, dam sure don't need to be bigger, little shape contouring would be nice, a buffed little 230-40 pounds and be able to drop all my meds used for managing size

Supplements (if any) flinstones gummies

General idea of nutrition (any food allergies???) gluten, also cant hardly mow the grass outside

Any other relevant info (injuries, surgeries you've had, etc.) not really other than my feet fall a lseep on the elliptical after 20 minutes and also if its cranked to the max.. sure its just all that weight. I also got a gut that sticks out more with sit ups, sucks because sit ups aggravate the condition. I need to drop about 40 pounds, then should be able to get my stomach thin enough to not aggravate the hernia during sit ups (pop in instead of out during stomachs) bit not at 288 pounds

Here's my biggest question,
lot of the injections give me painful whelps about 8 hours after the injection. No pain for about 6-8 hours and then last 4 days. I tried Test-enan and test-cyp, 4 different sources. The oils used varied, one was apricot, that was by far the worse, then grape seed oil, that kinda did it to but not half as bad. And cotton seed from the doctor's ration of cyp from the US pharmacy, it didn't seem to bother me at all.

I need any help and or advise I can get. thanks
Stats first:

Age 52

Height 6-3

Weight 288

Body fat % not sure but 99% of it is in my guy, in the worst place

Years of training since early teens

Complete cycle history (compounds, doses, lengths of time, when they were run) really just replacment therapy, 2mls a week, and a little amidex few times a week

PCT for each cycle : i dont know what PCT is but I have a good consistent normal T level at 2ml's,

Goals: loose lots of fat, I want a 6 pack, I don't need to be a whole lot stronger, dam sure don't need to be bigger, little shape contouring would be nice, a buffed little 230-40 pounds and be able to drop all my meds used for managing size

Supplements (if any) flinstones gummies

General idea of nutrition (any food allergies???) gluten, also cant hardly mow the grass outside

Any other relevant info (injuries, surgeries you've had, etc.) not really other than my feet fall a lseep on the elliptical after 20 minutes and also if its cranked to the max.. sure its just all that weight. I also got a gut that sticks out more with sit ups, sucks because sit ups aggravate the condition. I need to drop about 40 pounds, then should be able to get my stomach thin enough to not aggravate the hernia during sit ups (pop in instead of out during stomachs) bit not at 288 pounds

Here's my biggest question,
lot of the injections give me painful whelps about 8 hours after the injection. No pain for about 6-8 hours and then last 4 days. I tried Test-enan and test-cyp, 4 different sources. The oils used varied, one was apricot, that was by far the worse, then grape seed oil, that kinda did it to but not half as bad. And cotton seed from the doctor's ration of cyp from the US pharmacy, it didn't seem to bother me at all.

I need any help and or advise I can get. thanks
you are right about one thing and that is you need help... you cant use steroids at your fat level man... you are extremely overweight... you've lost your mind thinking you can use steroids at that level.. STEROIDS ARE NOT FAT BURNERS... you want a six pack then you need to get control of your diet and bust your ass in the gym... you are hoping steroids to be magic and thats not how it works man.. your body fat needs to be in the 12-13% range which you are nowhere near whatsoever.. you have options to help you lose weight but steroids are not anything anyone is even going to discuss with you at your condition... thats flat ass absurdity and its only going to piss people off... you need to address all your issues with diet and training first or nothing you do is going to work for you... sarms can help you here if you want the help... if you are not familiar with sarms start with my articles here...

let me know and i can help you
You need to get in a lot better shape bud. The last thing you want to do is start blasting high doses of steroids in that condition. That's a recipe for bad side effects.

I suggest checking into sarms. They don't carry the side effects of steroids but are very effective at both burning fat and building muscle.

If you'd like, I can help you set up a stack
sorry for the late response, been out of town. the help I was asking for was about swelling and soreness at the injection site. But I was suppose we got to disclose stats. OK, first 500mgs a week of "oh hell no" I know I got a fat problem.. I just do a little to get a descent work out at the gym, take out some arthritis and soreness, thats it. guys I am only doing 100mgs a week and that trims me, not fatttens me.. now if I kick that to 200? kind takes some real determination because then I start getting like super hungry but I can still do it, any more than that, I get like too frekin hungry. If I did nothing with T at all, and then not working out at all? that was were the weight first got started, 180 T levels and no shots, is were it packed on.

Now all stats do not always paint the right picture. I am not a usually proportioned and sized person. 90% of my fat is actually in the gut, my legs, my arms and even my ass is ripped but very socially unaccepted to sport than in public. . I have a size 8 ball cap, the bone of my barrel chest alone is like 50 inches. I am really like one those big naturals but it sucks for body building because frames to that god made to harbor beef, don't show much for body building.. Great for athletics, but absolutely sucks for body building

About 3 years ago, before T shots, I did do 30 count 400 pound leg squats, 12 ct 100lbs on each hand dumb bells. After the shots?, add 10-15% to that but better; I am able to do 20 minutes of the elliptical 95 rpms, set on max 20, now thats a strong heart. I could do more but my feet fall asleep. So no I am not about to have a fat man heart attack. However, I still look like like Arnold in that movie where he was pregnant, sad I know. That gut is priority, so no worries about that. If I dont do any sarms at all like zero,, my T level is 185 after 6 days from the doctors STUPID ASS 7.5 mgs shot. I went and had my own blood work and those shots dont last for shit after 5 -6 days, he wants to do them every 14 days.. yea, I know I need a new doctor. However, this obama care bullshit stop covering good relationship where I was getting One shot a week and loosing weight. This is all a totally different topic. So right now, the issue is an allergic reaction to shots from certain types of oils,

hey and FYI, the conservative portion of T, (not body builder portions) disappeared pre-diabetic blood results, Also had an issue with my my ankles, putting me in crutches, that went away too. T actaully slowed down Arthritis.. key is, just not too much T
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