
Jennie-O is the bomb!! Adding to your diet...


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Many of us are always looking for ways to find a way to make our food that much better considering we are eating so healthy and it can difficult to make certain foods truly enjoyable however I assure you, eating healthy can be a wonderful experience if you are finding the right foods and also understanding how to make them taste great... for those thare unfamiliar, check out Jennie-O EXTRA LEAN products... specifically the ground turkey, turkey cutlets and ground chicken. We are talking no fat or minimal at best, no sodium, and high protein... i generally mix these with a few servings of vegetables and just add a serving of veganese or some spices like parsley etc. and you have an excellent meal, it tastes great, you can eat a very strong amount and feel full and not worry about over indulgence whatsoever... its a bit pricey, especially at grocery stores but if you go to a wal-mart for example its only $5 per lb... i generally have 6-8 oz. a day and its so low of calorie with 26-28 grams of protein per serving... each 4 oz. serving only has 120 calories as well... Make sure to get the EXTRA LEAN as opposed to just the lean version... I would highly recommend it!
Hells ya. The 93-7 is the best. We make baseball sized meatballs w just garlic salt and oregano. Perfect grab and go snack

Eating some right now. Love it. Kroger also makes an extra lean ground turkey straight from the butcher and they package it. It competes if your looking for a better price point!
I love that stuff. As much as I hate to shop there, Wally World usually has them on clearance with like 1-2 days left on them. I snag them every time. Great for chili, tacos, etc :).
I love that stuff. As much as I hate to shop there, Wally World usually has them on clearance with like 1-2 days left on them. I snag them every time. Great for chili, tacos, etc :).

yes they have it priced right there... even normal price is 2-3 less than the grocery store... i only go into walmart for that and my tuna... those are priced ridiculous cheap but winco is really where you get hooked up!
Hells ya. The 93-7 is the best. We make baseball sized meatballs w just garlic salt and oregano. Perfect grab and go snack


I've actually been making a lean ground turkey meatball dish lately with rice, onions, peppers, and carrots that is absolutely delicious.
Thanks for all the suggestions Dylan! I have done a lot of lean ground turkey and chicken lately to switch things up a bit myself
I have 4 oz of it scrambled in my egg whites on my low carb days love it or a burger on some ezequal bread with baked sweet potato fries good shit.
I've actually been making a lean ground turkey meatball dish lately with rice, onions, peppers, and carrots that is absolutely delicious.

Hells ya. One of mt favorites.

We also take that same ground turkey. Make terryaki turkey burgers. Then, instead of a bun we use a head of lettuce and make a bun with lettuce. Super filling and super healthy

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