
Item held by Canadian Customs?


New member
Hey guys,

So i recently purchased two bottles of MK2866 from a reputable vendor in the United States and was hoping to start my research soon. It was about a 3 weeks ago (on the May 20th) where i had placed my order to be shipped to here in Toronto. Long story short, I have been waiting for it to clear customs since the 24th. I have made a phone call to Canada post and they said just to wait it out as they can do nothing once the package is brought to customs. The package is of two bottles of ostarine, and I know sarms arent illegal (research purposes), but does this mean my package was most likely seized given that its been a little over 2 weeks and I am still waiting for my item. I contacted the vendor, and I hope to hear back from them soon, just wanted to hear if anyonehad similar experiences and could shed some light.

noone can answer that... its possible but ive seen things come out of customs after two weeks... noone can really answer that though
You can never tell with government. Their employees aren’t exactly customer focused because their jobs are secure. It can depend more on if they are having a bad day or not. That’s my personal experience with anything government related (I used to work for the US government).
I think most customs can hold onto it for 30 or so days before they have to make a decision to allow or deny the parcel.
A thought occurred to me. Customs might be thinking your sarms are AAS but named something different, so they are checking on that.
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