Check this out this guy is saying he was banging iron 3 days post op from hernia repair !
Only thing I can imagine is that he was lifting extremely light weights (for him that maybe 300lbs bench press ) and that it’s alll relative.
just curious if anyone had a protocol for hgh or other gear for rapid recovery bc I have to get this done but I really don’t want to lose a ton of mass right as I’m peaking mid cycle ….was going to hold offf till end of summer but if I can be back in a week lifting safely I would do it now but that just sounds impossible unless I’m using kiddie weights. Right now I’m pushing 3-4 plates on my bench for 5-8 reps as a bench mark. I’m around 240 and 5 10 body fat is around 10-11% and I’m in my 40s.

Fouad Abiad: Rapid Recovery for a Champion - Hernia Center of Ohio
Like many elite athletes, Fouad Abiad, ranked in the top […]
Only thing I can imagine is that he was lifting extremely light weights (for him that maybe 300lbs bench press ) and that it’s alll relative.
just curious if anyone had a protocol for hgh or other gear for rapid recovery bc I have to get this done but I really don’t want to lose a ton of mass right as I’m peaking mid cycle ….was going to hold offf till end of summer but if I can be back in a week lifting safely I would do it now but that just sounds impossible unless I’m using kiddie weights. Right now I’m pushing 3-4 plates on my bench for 5-8 reps as a bench mark. I’m around 240 and 5 10 body fat is around 10-11% and I’m in my 40s.