
is it okay to ejaculate/masturbate/sex during cycle?


hey guys,

I just started the test n deca cycle, and just curious if it is okay to ejaculate while i'm on the cycle.

Not like every day basis of course, but like once~twice a week? will it hurt my gains?

any feedback or personal experience is welcome!
Dude?! How can you NOT??
You will literally implode if you don't. Lol

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Im really serious man. Coz my gear supplier advised me not to ejaculate too much. Not sure what that too much means
I can't tell if trolling or not... I would literally die if I didn't cum everyday, especially when on masteron I was so damn horny, gets ya into trouble haha
Everyday before breakfast... Lol


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Go for it bro. Fuck it, pull it, whatever.....just do whatever the hell you want. If you need the release go for it. Your gains are not going to suffer. If anything I'd say my performance in the gym would go down if I didn't bust a nut often enough

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
LOLLL im with 44, if that were the case it would just be pointless to cycle... you NEED to do it often... thats actually quite good for you and that's not some bull shit comment... plus its always good to have mood enhancement
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