
In the Middle of Ostarine cycle and in need of dieting advice.


New member
Hey guys,

I am about two weeks into my sarms cycle. My initial goal has been to recomp, with wanting to tighten up my core and add muscle. So the initial plan was to eat at maintenance, but then I kept reading that even at a slight deficit Ostarine can help you add muscle mass while dropping body fat. is this true?

Before the cycle started I was 150 pounds standing at 5.9. My maintenance calories on training days is about 2800 so I decided while on Ostarine (25 mg/day) I have dropped it to around 2600 on training days, and around 2200 when not training. I will do 1 and half weight training and end with light carido for 15 minutes (burn around 200 calories from cardio alone).

I just weighed myself and I am standing at 146, with noticeable decrease in fat in my core area. So that's a 4 pd decrease in two weeks. I am mainly wanting to retain and build some muscle mass during this shred, and I was just wondering if my current plan is feasible. I do not want to drop too much in weight but do want to get to that under 10 percent body fat, which the ostarine should help. Obviously recomping is the holy grail of body building, as I want to be as lean as possible but still build some muscle on this cycle.

I am getting about 160 grams of carbs about 90-100 fats and atleast 210 grams of protein. All of my calories are clean. Standard day of dieting includes (last two weeks)

Breakfast: 1 cup of oats (with scoop of protein), 4 egg veggie omlette, 1 cup of greek yogurt,
Lunch: chicken breast or fish fillet (cod usually) with salad
Dinner: cup of brown rice with fish or chicken breast
Snack: 0.75 cup of almonds, and 2 scoops of protein whey

How does this look for my goals? I have been naturally lean my whole life.
yes, you can eat at a deficit and still hold muscle with ostarine... its designed to prevent muscle wastage...
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