I'm currently deployed to Afghanistan for the next 9 months and am living 20 meters from a gym, so what better time to start my first cycle?
Since it is my first, I plan on running a reasonably low dosage of strictly test. I was hoping to get some feedback and suggestions from the gurus here on a few things:
which type of test should I run for my first cycle?
how many mgs a week would be ideal?
gauge and length to draw and stick with?
how long should my first cycle run?
should I run hcg before my pct?
should I run sarms in pct to keep my cortisol at bay?
I was thinking Test E, 300-350 mg a week, 23 gauge 1.5 inch(glute), and a 12 week cycle
I am pretty lean so I am wondering if I can use a 1 inch, and how big can I really get with the gauge( I have a high pain tolerance and don't get whoozy at the site of a fat ass needle)?
My pct will be
first 2 weeks: clomid 50mg ed /nolvadex 40 mg ed /aromasin 12.5 mg eod
second 2 weeks clomid 25 mg ed /nolvadex 20 mg ed/ aromasin 12.5 mg eod
Thanks in advance for any critique, help, and information guys.
P-ray out.
Since it is my first, I plan on running a reasonably low dosage of strictly test. I was hoping to get some feedback and suggestions from the gurus here on a few things:
which type of test should I run for my first cycle?
how many mgs a week would be ideal?
gauge and length to draw and stick with?
how long should my first cycle run?
should I run hcg before my pct?
should I run sarms in pct to keep my cortisol at bay?
I was thinking Test E, 300-350 mg a week, 23 gauge 1.5 inch(glute), and a 12 week cycle
I am pretty lean so I am wondering if I can use a 1 inch, and how big can I really get with the gauge( I have a high pain tolerance and don't get whoozy at the site of a fat ass needle)?
My pct will be
first 2 weeks: clomid 50mg ed /nolvadex 40 mg ed /aromasin 12.5 mg eod
second 2 weeks clomid 25 mg ed /nolvadex 20 mg ed/ aromasin 12.5 mg eod
Thanks in advance for any critique, help, and information guys.
P-ray out.