
I'm gonna beat my sons ass


Active member
So college athletics is a bitch I know, he just made player of the week... congrats mother fucker, but I checked his grades today and all of a sudden behind missing assignments, some shit test scores and sleeping in this lil' fucker is failing 3 out of 5 classes. He says they're dropping the lowest test scores, but shit the semester isn't over and if he keeps this shit up there is no fucking recovering. College is a fucking privilege many kids don't get and then I'm also paying his girlfriends outstanding tuition payments as well.... WTF. So summer school if necessary is $1600+ a class, room and board extra... if this lil sommabitch ends up failing I'm gonna fuck him up and yank his ass back to Texas. His gf can either come along, or figure out her way of paying for college without my son there. I hate dumb mother fuckers.
bro if he has to take summer classes make his ass work and pay for it. our oldest well all of ours we pay books tuition and room but they have to buy their own food sell blow jobs work don't give a fuck but they have to have some skin in the game. so they are allowed 1 failed class that we will pay for, after that they pay for it. and it only took 1 fucking time for ours to have to pay 800 bucks for a repeat of a class and they figure it out that you aint playin no fucking games. if he misses spring or summer practices, that's on him to explain I know damn well the athletic program has tutors that he can go to as well so there is NO FUCKIN EXCUSES. actions or non actions have long lasting consequences and he is just gonna have to learn that in life. don't spoon feed him. our oldest I watched his bank account go down at the pool halls and bars, then he asked us for money cuz the semester lasted 3 weeks longer than he budgeted for. so we printed out his account to show him we knew what was up took him some groceries and that's all he got not throwin money out the window but I will take him ramen noodles and shit hahaha but his ass learned after that
Unfortunately I think many kids don't fully grasp and appreciate the luxuries afforded by their parents these days. As far as I see it, your son is positioned damn good. I'd be busting my ass if I had it like that. If yanking him back down to TX and leaving the gf hanging isnt motive to kick his ass into gear, I dont know what to say. Whats that saying... you can lead a horse to water but you cant force him to drink. This is something your son has to take control of depending on what he deems important. All you can do is provide some ass whooping motivation and hope he bites.
I'm just so pissed and I hate that my best laid plans are seemingly falling through the cracks. I send him and her up there to gather to ensure his success and he does go to study hall and tutoring since it's mandatory for freshmen athletes, but I'm not sure if he's using his time wisely. Maybe having her up there is counter productive, maybe he's just a lazy fuck but I've always tried to provide him an atmosphere that was free of stress and allowed him to focus on football, school and lastly his girlfriend. I talked to him and maybe he's either not applying himself fully, or he's just fucking stupid. I figured I passed some ambition on to his ass, but kids nowadays assume that shit just happens I guess. I told him how demanding it was to be a student athlete and I explained to her that being the gf of an athlete was no small feat in itself.
I am just thoroughly disappointed. Trying to have him avoid the knocks and kicks I had to endure in life prior to being where I am, maybe a kick in the ribs is what he needs. Kids are just pisses now.
Well u got alot happening here. He is now a man and can make his own choices bad or good. Hes there with all these people to party with. And fottball. What do u think the first thing to do is? Stop paying attention in school. Its his choice. If he fails yank the funding so that he learns there are consequences in life for bad choices.
Well u got alot happening here. He is now a man and can make his own choices bad or good. Hes there with all these people to party with. And fottball. What do u think the first thing to do is? Stop paying attention in school. Its his choice. If he fails yank the funding so that he learns there are consequences in life for bad choices.

I am contemplating that very thing as that's a nice chunk of green I send up there for the two of them to be comfy..
I am contemplating that very thing as that's a nice chunk of green I send up there for the two of them to be comfy..

Yep. And they have no worries cause they know money bags will pay. Kids today are an entitled group.

Heres an example my gf son is 11. We were out of peanut butter. And he was like hey we are out of peanut butter you need to buy more.

I was all exscuse me? Who the fuck are you talking to. You can ask for more and ill decide if i want to by it. And you dont TELL us shit. You ask!
Yep. And they have no worries cause they know money bags will pay. Kids today are an entitled group.

Heres an example my gf son is 11. We were out of peanut butter. And he was like hey we are out of peanut butter you need to buy more.

I was all exscuse me? Who the fuck are you talking to. You can ask for more and ill decide if i want to by it. And you dont TELL us shit. You ask!

Yeah, I agree starvation can be a motivator. Nothing I could go take his car, cut his money... options are endless.
I'm just so pissed and I hate that my best laid plans are seemingly falling through the cracks. I send him and her up there to gather to ensure his success and he does go to study hall and tutoring since it's mandatory for freshmen athletes, but I'm not sure if he's using his time wisely. Maybe having her up there is counter productive, maybe he's just a lazy fuck but I've always tried to provide him an atmosphere that was free of stress and allowed him to focus on football, school and lastly his girlfriend. I talked to him and maybe he's either not applying himself fully, or he's just fucking stupid. I figured I passed some ambition on to his ass, but kids nowadays assume that shit just happens I guess. I told him how demanding it was to be a student athlete and I explained to her that being the gf of an athlete was no small feat in itself.
I am just thoroughly disappointed. Trying to have him avoid the knocks and kicks I had to endure in life prior to being where I am, maybe a kick in the ribs is what he needs. Kids are just pisses now.

listen bro it sounds like to me you are trying to live his dreams for him and you cant do that it is hard to pull back and let him fly the nest so to speak believe me it was devastating to have my son totally blow it and not play college ball but then I realized even tho it was his dream to play college ball the mfr didn't listen to anything I told him from middle school ball on thru high school. he maintained a very low c average barely graduated and not 1 fucking college talked to him seriously other than wanting my fuckin GI bill. it was then I realized that I could not live my life vicariously through him anymore and had to let him figure shit out on his own.
I'm just so pissed and I hate that my best laid plans are seemingly falling through the cracks. I send him and her up there to gather to ensure his success and he does go to study hall and tutoring since it's mandatory for freshmen athletes, but I'm not sure if he's using his time wisely. Maybe having her up there is counter productive, maybe he's just a lazy fuck but I've always tried to provide him an atmosphere that was free of stress and allowed him to focus on football, school and lastly his girlfriend. I talked to him and maybe he's either not applying himself fully, or he's just fucking stupid. I figured I passed some ambition on to his ass, but kids nowadays assume that shit just happens I guess. I told him how demanding it was to be a student athlete and I explained to her that being the gf of an athlete was no small feat in itself.
I am just thoroughly disappointed. Trying to have him avoid the knocks and kicks I had to endure in life prior to being where I am, maybe a kick in the ribs is what he needs. Kids are just pisses now.

just like babies man you gotta let em fall or they will never learn what it feels like to fall!!!
just like babies man you gotta let em fall or they will never learn what it feels like to fall!!!

I talked with his gf since he's at practice, I let her know he needed to pull his head outta his ass otherwise there'd be consequences. .. car, money, etc... worst case I'd pull his ass outta there and she'd have to figure out what she's gonna do. Follow a lazy fuck, or move on. She's pretty enough, she can just move upward up the food chain and let me smash.... that'd teach his ass a good lesson.
I talked with his gf since he's at practice, I let her know he needed to pull his head outta his ass otherwise there'd be consequences. .. car, money, etc... worst case I'd pull his ass outta there and she'd have to figure out what she's gonna do. Follow a lazy fuck, or move on. She's pretty enough, she can just move upward up the food chain and let me smash.... that'd teach his ass a good lesson.

WRONG just wrong lol
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