
Idiotic Cliche


here is how the conversation goes.
I ask about some training thing. I get an answer about rep ranges, weight to use, why to do the particular lift I am interested in.
Me. "What do you do for abdominal/core work?"
Them "Abs are made in the kitchen bro."
NO THEY ARE FUCKING NOT. You can SEE them because of your diet. But they get strong and healthy just in the gym just like any other muscle!
WTF about that do people not understand.
Am I wrong about this?
Any other muscle group you can get awesome information based on real concrete science. Ask about abs/core and I get idiotic cliché.
I do zero direct ab work. What I do is contract during movements and when I trim up or run tren my abs are on point. Diet is essential to having visibly appealing abs. You can work them all day, but if you eat like shit you'll never see the abs underneath the adipose. I say diet and training abs is a 60/40 or 70/30 split.

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There's nothing wrong with core work, and I encourage it, but your abs come from being shredded...plain and simple. You can train the fuck out of them but they will never pop until you are lean. As a matter of fact there is certain core movements and oblique movements that will give you a blocker waist and takeaway from your V taper
There's nothing wrong with core work, and I encourage it, but your abs come from being shredded...plain and simple. You can train the fuck out of them but they will never pop until you are lean. As a matter of fact there is certain core movements and oblique movements that will give you a blocker waist and takeaway from your V taper
This is absolutely true. I have yet to cut down ultra lean, but when my wife competed at the Branch Warren two years ago I thought she had a blocky looking core. She was always killing obliques. It makes sense now.
i do core work for several reasons... i have had to have it as a major part of my regiment because of all the back injuries and the stronger your core, the more stability you have in your back... NOW, people over do it on training abs... abs are a muscle, just like biceps, triceps etc.. do you train them everyday? fuck no you dont or they are never going to rebuild and grow... building them is great but if they are covered then whats the point? now, obliques are another that need trained but what ultimately shapes them is cardio and diet... its a combination OF BOTH.. you definitely should train them but not at absurd amounts.. 1,000 sit ups a day is not going to do it, contrary to belief.. its a combination of EVERYTHING and finding what combination and amount works for you....
I don't do any direct ab work. Squats, deadlifts, standing overhead press, pullups etc., all raw, is what I personally do. Not that my abs are impressive by any means. But if I want my abs to shine more, it'll be work done in the kitchen.
I'm of this school of thought. My core is strong af from heavy compounds. But I don't have injuries that prevent me from doing those compound lifts

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