At 23, you're a little younger than I'd recommend to use aas. 25 years old is generally the age that I think is more acceptable. Everyone has their own opinions on this. Your HPTA and Endocrine systems continue developing until around age 25. So there's a chance, slim or not, that by introducing aas early could possibly cause issues like permanent hpta damage, premature andropause, need for trt, etc. These are things that are not worth the risk in my opinion. I'm only saying this because I want to make sure you're aware. If I were you, I'd hold off on aas and take advantage of your natural test right now, really hone your training and nutrition, and if any peds are wanted, take a look at SARMs. At 5'10" 165lbs, you have plenty of room to grow. You could easily add on 15-20 lbs just by focusing on your diet and training. Sarms is what I would recommend however, if you want an "edge". Very strong aas like benefits without the side effects, shutdown, and risk of damage. You could easily get a couple solid Sarms cycles under your belt before you jump on aas and this would put you in a better position.
When it does come time for your first cycle, you are correct on wanting to do test only. I'd stick with a lower dose your first time around 250-350mg a week. I'd swap the AI for Aromasin. Much better AI due to the numerous benefits (suicidal inhibitor, etc). Make sure you have all your ai and pct ready before you start. You want to be prepared. For the products you ordered already, I believe Unigen is pharma, you should be able to go on the manufacturers website and check the secure/serial numbers for verification if they are legit. As for the website you got them from, I've never heard of them so I can't say for sure. In the future, any source on this board is solid, otherwise they wouldn't be here. You can always find plenty of reviews on each one.