
How to respond to ppl who ask in a round about way if you're on AAS...


Active member
Two days, two people at my gym start up a convo about steroids with me. One says some guy said he could hook him up with gear if he wanted, the other kept asking me if I knew anyone on gear. I know them both, one is a cool ass older guy and the other a fat ass personal trainer who has a donut around his waistline. Why the fuck would I tell you guys shit? People watch me workout and speculate if I run gear or not I know... I'm the strongest MF in there and 9.8 times outta 10 the biggest so I can understand the longing to know, BUT leave me alone for a minute so you all can catch up on the points made/given.
I don't hide it anymore like I did years ago...I be like yea I take it so what lol
For me, it depends on who's asking. If it's a cool dude that I've known in the gym that has busted his ass and out his time in, I'll be straight up with him. If it's some young gym noob forget about it. I'll tell him about my diet and how hard I work. honestly the only people that come up and have said anything so far, are those that I am fine talking to about it. I've helped a few guys out with cycles and they keep coming back to me for guidance all the time now. I do try to help,where I can but you do have to be careful who you talk to about this stuff
I don't interact with many people at the gym (just enough to not be a dick). I train with music in my ears and sunglasses on so I don't get distracted by anything. But when I train back or triceps (in particular) folks take notice because of the poundage I lift. Some of the guys my age or a little older watch me with some disbelief though. If someone did ask me I would simply say train for 41 years like I have and then let's talk.
Loose lips sink ships. Public communication is always a risk. Such as a friend of mine in the 80s.

Sent From Sail7seas
I just listen to the meager attempts at getting information. I already know you wanna know and you know I'll never admit shit to you all and why... some of the people we interact with in the gym just have a way about them that sucks lol.
im like RR very few people know i am as a matter of fact i told one today to join the forum he is a cool dude ripped up like a mofo but wants to add some size i don't really talk to anyone in the gym either, if i did it would be about geritol or some other multi vitamin old folks take haha
im like RR very few people know i am as a matter of fact i told one today to join the forum he is a cool dude ripped up like a mofo but wants to add some size i don't really talk to anyone in the gym either, if i did it would be about geritol or some other multi vitamin old folks take haha

lol'd hard on that one
Depends who asks. If it rubs me the wrong way I say yes but act like I'm joking. If I trust them or like them and feel it's appropriate then I'll admit it.

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I have been approached about it several times but I always deny it and tell them I'm using creatine and glutamine so don't tell anyone lol. There's no sense in me risking my job for it with someone who will ultimately tell someone else eventually.
to be honest with you, when im in the gym, i dont want to hear shit but my music... all these motherfuckers want to sit in there and chit chat and talk and all that bull shit... im not there to make "buddies" and all that bull shit... im in there for ONE purpose, to bust my ass... i get a full workout in 40-45 minutes... and i do LARGE amounts of volume but i dont play... i take 30 seconds or less in between sets, i turn my music on full blast and im in the zone... if for some reason i get into conversation, and steroids come up, i just laugh it off etc... i get stopped A LOT now at this point from people that have seen my youtube but i just tell them to email me and move on... i dont have time for that shit... how you handle it, really makes no difference... its what your comfort level is but 99% of the conversation your getting at the gym is so bad it could really make you less intelligent, and thats NOT an exaggeration...
to be honest with you, when im in the gym, i dont want to hear shit but my music... all these motherfuckers want to sit in there and chit chat and talk and all that bull shit... im not there to make "buddies" and all that bull shit... im in there for ONE purpose, to bust my ass... i get a full workout in 40-45 minutes... and i do LARGE amounts of volume but i dont play... i take 30 seconds or less in between sets, i turn my music on full blast and im in the zone... if for some reason i get into conversation, and steroids come up, i just laugh it off etc... i get stopped A LOT now at this point from people that have seen my youtube but i just tell them to email me and move on... i dont have time for that shit... how you handle it, really makes no difference... its what your comfort level is but 99% of the conversation your getting at the gym is so bad it could really make you less intelligent, and thats NOT an exaggeration...

It's funny because people only ask me about gear when I'm not working out. I'm the same as you...when I'm in the zone I want to be left alone. Music goes up and everyone goes out. The only acceptable workout conversation is when I'm helping someone or during sparring when I need technical feedback. But regarding gear, I am willing to tell people if they ask me, especially if they have cycle questions.
It's funny because people only ask me about gear when I'm not working out. I'm the same as you...when I'm in the zone I want to be left alone. Music goes up and everyone goes out. The only acceptable workout conversation is when I'm helping someone or during sparring when I need technical feedback. But regarding gear, I am willing to tell people if they ask me, especially if they have cycle questions.

I'm just gonna start rubbing my penis while they talk and act really interested.
Someone I work with asked me the other day & I was like "Seriously?I look like I take roids,you're kidding right??" :D
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