
How to kickstart test cyp/en cycle with short esters?


New member
Assuming test only cycle:

How to get to the desired stable blood level quickly with test prop while longer esters are building up?
And how to end cycle with short esters to have the most of the cycle and not wait for longer esters to clear up to start PCT?

No orals please

P.S. I believe the will apply to tren ace/tren enanthate as well
I think most will agree that I dont quite see the point. Theres really not that much extra time with stable blood levels for me to personally consider kickstarting. With that being said... id youre set on doing it id say 2 weeks of prop in each direction would be sufficient.
It's pointless in my opinion. I think you are going to get more sides from doing it this way than anything. Either run a prop/ace cycle, or run the long esters. You're over complicating things
Agreed with all post 2-3. I used to be a big Prop guy, but that "fast acting" theory is bro-science.

I hi-jacked this from a very, very smart fitness and AAS guru;

I have to say, I see no advantage whatsoever to using a propionate ester -- for ANYTHING.

Okay, you can say that since it's a faster ester, technically, more of the compound gets used. That's true. But the difference is nominal.

Stay with me on this...

Let's say that 100 mgs of test prop is a full 100 mgs. (It isn't but let's keep things simple for clarities sake). Then you'd get 100 mgs for a day. By day two, you're getting around 70 mgs. So that requires 4 shots a week to keep levels elevated.

Now, let's say a enanthate gives a slow steady release of about HALF (It's more than that but I'm going to keep estimates conservative to make a point). It will peak after 2 days and drop down to about 50 by day 7.

Going by this, you actually get a comparable amount of test in your system from a single shot of enth as you do from 4 shots of prop.

Now, they say prop causes less water retention, but again, I think it's marginal. In fact, prop aromatizes more since it's a quicker hit, so you may need more AI -- which in a sense, leaves you right back in the same place. Personally, I prefer the "fullness" from enth, but I';m on the thin side. Still, I just don't see much of an advantage.

Okay, let's address the obvious. Prop "kicks in " faster. Not really.

True, blood levels will peak in minutes with prop. But so what? Do a little more enth and you'll still have superphysiologicla levels within a couple of hours. The notion that enth takes "weeks" to kick in is the dumbest for of ignorant bro-science. It simply is not true. I actually think it's an excuse to not train full out and blame the "kick-in" time of the drugs.

This goes across the board. Masteron was originally in a prop form. But many UG labs have used the enth ester. Is it as good? I think it's BETTER. You still get a quick hit. (Mast does that). But it LASTS! Mast prop seems to lose its effect within a couple of days. The enth does not.

Of course, there will be those who swear by prop. I just don't see it. ANd I think if everyone gave it a fair shot (no pun intended) they'd realize that a prop ester for anyone cycling is essentially more work, time and money than it's worth.

But to each his own.
Assuming test only cycle:

How to get to the desired stable blood level quickly with test prop while longer esters are building up?
And how to end cycle with short esters to have the most of the cycle and not wait for longer esters to clear up to start PCT?

No orals please

P.S. I believe the will apply to tren ace/tren enanthate as well
You don't want to reach peak levels quicker. That's the point. You want a slow buildup to peak in your system as its intended.

Adding test prop in the beginning just raises myostatin quicker which will stall your gains out earlier in the cycle so it's a moot point

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
lots of great explanations already posted here and i have to agree with all. end result is the same so acceleration is pointless, and as Rick stated one would only be reaching myostatin sooner. This alone would render this method useless in my opinion
I took this approach and i found it to have my bloods to be unstable i think it skewed my total test count . Id used test eth alone and just wait for it to pop off and simply enjoy the ride. Train like your life depended on it leading up to the point the eth starts to work and you will be a happy man

Tren Replacement Therapy

99% of men suffer tren deficiency. Side effects of this serious disease include not doing heavy fucking deadlifts, normal libido, predictable emotions and a human physique.
Would you guys still think that tapering with prop over the last two weeks or longer while letting the longer esters clear would be useful for a quicker transition into PCT or also not worthwhile.
No, run a simple test e/c cycle all the way through. Why are you in such a hurry to rush into PCT?
Would you guys still think that tapering with prop over the last two weeks or longer while letting the longer esters clear would be useful for a quicker transition into PCT or also not worthwhile.

Good question Keep it simple brotha.

Some things never go out of style.
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