
Hopping Off! PCT!!


Alright guys i'm ending my Test E and Eq cycle a little earlier than I wanted to becuase I have some personal things to take care of and won't be able to gym and diet like I want to.
For pct I'll be using -
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 50/50/25/25
ORGAN support
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
MK-2866 25mg ED
GW 20mg ED

Anything I'm missing?

Also this is my first time doing PCT without using HCG on my last few weeks on cycle, that shouldnt be a problem corrrect?
I started taking clomid and nolva just 5 days after my shot since i wanna recover as soon as possible. is that fine
no thats not fine at all... the esters have not cleared your system... thats actually not smart whatsoever... you need to let them clear first and then start it... stop doing things your own way instead of the right way or you are going to be having problems...
My bad bro I got confused for some reason about PCT and when to start it. Always appericate the advice. Waiting a full 2 weeks beore starting PCT. Just hit a bench PR 10 days removed from my last shot so feeling good about that
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