
hi i am looking for some help


New member
i am looking to buy some Nutrobal (MK-677) - 25mgs/ml @ 30ml i am from canada if you know any good sits to buy them please help me i heard there is a lot of fake sarms out there thank you for your time.
i am looking to buy some Nutrobal (MK-677) - 25mgs/ml @ 30ml i am from canada if you know any good sits to buy them please help me i heard there is a lot of fake sarms out there thank you for your time.

hey bro... has the highest quality you can find... they ship to canada on a daily basis... you want to run it 6 months to a year without stopping...
i am looking to buy some Nutrobal (MK-677) - 25mgs/ml @ 30ml i am from canada if you know any good sits to buy them please help me i heard there is a lot of fake sarms out there thank you for your time.

MK-677 is probably the most faked sarm out there because of the higher cost of raws, so it's extremely important to get it from a known good legit source. There is no better than and they can absolutely ship to you no proble, in Canada.

My-677 gives excellent results over time and is better the longer you run it. A minimum of 6 months on it is what I'd recommend
i have never tryed taking any thing before in cycle i have had no problem putting on size but i am in my 30s now and the most i have every taken is some protein and creatine i am 6 foot 4 2 74 pounds and i see there is alot more creatine out there as well i have been taking creatine monohydrate but i guess that is not the best one to take any more any info would be good is there any deal when you buy more then 1 month worth on that site or code to put in to get % off?
i have never tryed taking any thing before in cycle i have had no problem putting on size but i am in my 30s now and the most i have every taken is some protein and creatine i am 6 foot 4 2 74 pounds and i see there is alot more creatine out there as well i have been taking creatine monohydrate but i guess that is not the best one to take any more any info would be good is there any deal when you buy more then 1 month worth on that site or code to put in to get % off?

bro, i asked your main goal from the cycle so i know what to recommend...
sorry to put on 10 pounds of lean muscle

okay, i have the perfect layout for you... you can get everything at

1-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 mk677 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
there are also bundle sales as well when you buy higher quantities... they are all listed at the top of the website...
i want to buy the stack that dylan said would be good for me but i need to wait till the mk 677 gets back in stock i sent in a message about it but did not hear back yet how long can i stay on all of that? and is it oral or do i inject it?? i am hoping oral
i want to buy the stack that dylan said would be good for me but i need to wait till the mk 677 gets back in stock i sent in a message about it but did not hear back yet how long can i stay on all of that? and is it oral or do i inject it?? i am hoping oral

All sarms are oral administered via oral suspension. The stacks are meant to be ran 12 weeks, but you are going to want to continue to run MK-677 beyond that for best results. It's best 6 months to a year.
ok so i can run everything for 12 then just stay on the MK-677 for 6 months to a year ok and how long do i go off after my 12 week cycle before i can safely go back all of sarms again thank you for you info rick.
ok so i can run everything for 12 then just stay on the MK-677 for 6 months to a year ok and how long do i go off after my 12 week cycle before i can safely go back all of sarms again thank you for you info rick.
You run the mini pct posted up, then you take 2-3 weeks off at least abd you can start another sarms stack

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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