
HGH Dosage and reconstitution


All right fellas,

Thanks for the advice on HGH. So starting out with 1IU of HGH per day 5 days on 2 days off protocol. I have read from several sources to put 1 mL of BAC water into a 10 IU vial. Now where to pull the syringe . Most sources say use a 1 ml syringe which 1 iu would pull to 10 units of a syringe that has 100 units . My syringe is a .5 ml with 50 units. Would that mean I would double the pull to 20 units or would it still be pulled to 10 to get a 1 in daily dosage.
so keep this simple man

if its a 10IU vial and if you fill it up then half of the liquid is 5IU, half of that is 2.5IU, half of that is 1.25IU and so on

use the measurements on the syringe to figure out the units
so keep this simple man

if its a 10IU vial and if you fill it up then half of the liquid is 5IU, half of that is 2.5IU, half of that is 1.25IU and so on

use the measurements on the syringe to figure out the units
Gotcha so if i put 1 ml of water I have 1ml which would be 10 IU or 1 ml of product which is 1,000 mcg. making it 1 iu would be 1/10th of that bottle
my advice is do 2iu's per day. if it's good quality growth hormone that's all you need
Got mine from napsgear not knowing any better. Good reviews on the black top HGH. next time pharmaq. Hope they are good
All right fellas,

Thanks for the advice on HGH. So starting out with 1IU of HGH per day 5 days on 2 days off protocol. I have read from several sources to put 1 mL of BAC water into a 10 IU vial. Now where to pull the syringe . Most sources say use a 1 ml syringe which 1 iu would pull to 10 units of a syringe that has 100 units . My syringe is a .5 ml with 50 units. Would that mean I would double the pull to 20 units or would it still be pulled to 10 to get a 1 in daily dosage.
Start at 2ius
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