


Hello Dylan, I been watching your videos and you seem a lot more knowledgeable than most of these hormone “specialists” I’ve paid to see. Issue has been going on for a few years now. I went to see a urologist for some erectile issues originally. Long story short and after tons of labs he determined my testosterone was not high as it should be it was around 560 out of a possible 1100. I am not obese and been working out for 6 years now with no time off really other than a week here and there but never months off. I weight train and do some mild cardio. I don’t do drugs or drink often as well. He prescribed me 25 Mg Of Clomid and 1 MG of armidex per week just to see if boosting my T would make me feel better. All this did was make me feel like pure crap to be honest. My testosterone went up to about 660 and dropped my estrogen to about 33 from a high of 43 out of a possible 59. After this he told me to stop taking these both after a month of use. Ever since then my estradiol has been incredibly hard to control its been above normal and usually comes back high when I do labs. Arimdex will lower it but won’t keep it low. It will sky rocket as soon as I stop taking it. Seems there is a major Rebound issue happening when I come off armidex. I been trying to lower it because I been retaining water and there’s a loss of strength and over all lack of motivation for the gym and libido has crashed. I do not take any form of anabolic steroids and never have the most I have ever taken to boost T is herbal testosterone boosters. My insurance won’t cover enough of the cost for aromasin for me to get it I can only get my hands on Nolvdadex or Armidex. I just want to get my Strength and libido back. Last labs came back with estrodial at 41 out of a max of 39 and Test was at 777 out of a possible 1100 Do you have any suggestions sir?

Symptoms: Very sensitive and Itchy Nipples
Emotional Up and down moods and also tearing up at movies or shows like a woman.
Lack of strength or motivation for the gym or anything physical
Libido pretty much GONE.

Supplements I currently take: Multi Vit , Fish oil, Vit C, a little VIT D, and Beast protein from beast nutrition
Also Amino Energy from Optimum nutrition.

Again only Scripts I have access too are Nolvadex or Armidex but armidex seems to have a major rebound once I stop taking.
Hello Dylan, I been watching your videos and you seem a lot more knowledgeable than most of these hormone “specialists” I’ve paid to see. Issue has been going on for a few years now. I went to see a urologist for some erectile issues originally. Long story short and after tons of labs he determined my testosterone was not high as it should be it was around 560 out of a possible 1100. I am not obese and been working out for 6 years now with no time off really other than a week here and there but never months off. I weight train and do some mild cardio. I don’t do drugs or drink often as well. He prescribed me 25 Mg Of Clomid and 1 MG of armidex per week just to see if boosting my T would make me feel better. All this did was make me feel like pure crap to be honest. My testosterone went up to about 660 and dropped my estrogen to about 33 from a high of 43 out of a possible 59. After this he told me to stop taking these both after a month of use. Ever since then my estradiol has been incredibly hard to control its been above normal and usually comes back high when I do labs. Arimdex will lower it but won’t keep it low. It will sky rocket as soon as I stop taking it. Seems there is a major Rebound issue happening when I come off armidex. I been trying to lower it because I been retaining water and there’s a loss of strength and over all lack of motivation for the gym and libido has crashed. I do not take any form of anabolic steroids and never have the most I have ever taken to boost T is herbal testosterone boosters. My insurance won’t cover enough of the cost for aromasin for me to get it I can only get my hands on Nolvdadex or Armidex. I just want to get my Strength and libido back. Last labs came back with estrodial at 41 out of a max of 39 and Test was at 777 out of a possible 1100 Do you have any suggestions sir?

Symptoms: Very sensitive and Itchy Nipples
Emotional Up and down moods and also tearing up at movies or shows like a woman.
Lack of strength or motivation for the gym or anything physical
Libido pretty much GONE.

Supplements I currently take: Multi Vit , Fish oil, Vit C, a little VIT D, and Beast protein from beast nutrition
Also Amino Energy from Optimum nutrition.

Again only Scripts I have access too are Nolvadex or Armidex but armidex seems to have a major rebound once I stop taking.

arimidex and nolvadex will not help at this point... they suppress and block but they do not actually kill it... aromasin does... here is a link for you to get aromasin... This will be very affordable and the highest quality...

what are your full stats? age/height/weight/body fat?
i appceriate the reply. I been thinking the same thing about the armoasin thats the only sup i haven't tried so far and far as i can tell it will get rid of the estrogen for good.

Full stats

Age 29
Height- 6'1
Weight- 193
Body Fat- 10 to 12%

I work out 3 days on 1 day off but lately been so damn weak i haven't been able to work out the way i would want too. i took a week off and got some general blood work just to make sure i was alright every thing came back fine. HDL is fine..Sugars, lipids, Just my day E was 41 out of 39. Body looking soft and defiantly retaining water. Soft boners too
also if i can get my hands on aromasin what is the doseage and for how long? i wouldn't want to be on a hormonal drug for long and should i take Nolva up until i can get my hands on the some armoasin for the estrodial side effects?
also if i can get my hands on aromasin what is the doseage and for how long? i wouldn't want to be on a hormonal drug for long and should i take Nolva up until i can get my hands on the some armoasin for the estrodial side effects?

You should run Aromasin at 12.5mg EOD and you need to run it as long as you need estrogen controlled in range
This is how I run it

i appreciate the response guys. So what your saying is get my hands on some aromasin..12.5 every other day for how long? 2 weeks 3 weeks a month? then get some labs done and if its in the proper range just stop and there will be no rebound i hear with this medication correct?
i appceriate the reply. I been thinking the same thing about the armoasin thats the only sup i haven't tried so far and far as i can tell it will get rid of the estrogen for good.

Full stats

Age 29
Height- 6'1
Weight- 193
Body Fat- 10 to 12%

I work out 3 days on 1 day off but lately been so damn weak i haven't been able to work out the way i would want too. i took a week off and got some general blood work just to make sure i was alright every thing came back fine. HDL is fine..Sugars, lipids, Just my day E was 41 out of 39. Body looking soft and defiantly retaining water. Soft boners too

were you ever prescribed trt? its strange that you have any sort of test issue at your age... have you done anything in the past that could have caused this?

you can take nolvadex if you want but its not going to do much for you... i would order the aromasin asap because you need to kill estrogen at this point, not try to suppress it... that clearly has not been working...
i appreciate the response guys. So what your saying is get my hands on some aromasin..12.5 every other day for how long? 2 weeks 3 weeks a month? then get some labs done and if its in the proper range just stop and there will be no rebound i hear with this medication correct?

i would go at least 8 weeks... start at 12.5 mg every day for the first 7-10 days, then drop to every other day...
i appreciate the response Dylan. I went to a Urologist because embarrassing as it is i was having some dick issues. Soft boners or none at all when i was with a woman. He did several tests, a 24 hour urine test for dopamine and other brain hormones. all came back fine. Full hormonal panel. Test, free test, prolactin,dht, DHEA, estrone, estrodial,proestrogen, shgb, thyroid, and a bunch of others extremely detailed. It was a 13 vial blood test. all came back within range and fine. Then he thought it was a good idea to put me on CLOMID and ARIMDEX to see maybe if boosting my T while suppressing my E i would have some strong boners again. Long story short 3 years later i haven't had one single estrogen test come back within range. Prior to taking clomid and armidex my estrogen was 33 out of a possible 59. I was thinking of taking a low dose of Nolvadex until i can afford a bottle of aromasin. 10mg. I have a script for aromasin i can use but i would have to wait until next week because thats when my new insurance kicks in. The most ive ever been on a AI was for a month dont know if this is even long enough to really knock estrogen back in line
the itchy nipple/soft chest is driving me insane thats why i thought maybe i should pop some nolva to atleast suppress that feeling but i dont know what to do any more because what ever ive tried clearly didnt work or im not doing it right.
the itchy nipple/soft chest is driving me insane thats why i thought maybe i should pop some nolva to atleast suppress that feeling but i dont know what to do any more because what ever ive tried clearly didnt work or im not doing it right.

do you know where your estrogen levels are right now? when was the most recent test?
Emotional as hell too. Tearing up at movies..water retention...Moon face..puffy stomach.. been going through this for awhile so i know what it feels like to have high E symptoms. also taking a little to long to ejaculate as well. Ill be pounding away on my girl and even i am like ok when is this shit gonna end? Im waiting for my new health insurance to kick in later this week to see if they will cover more of the armoasin as i do have a script for it. If i still cant afford it i guess ill just have to take Adex for the rest of my damn life to keep estrogen symptoms in check. i dont care what any one says i have labs to prove that adex once you stop taking it your body can end up actually producing MORE estrogen from suppressing. I have never had any estrodial or estrogen issues until i tried that medication and came off of it. I have also checked other things as well. I had a testicular Ultra sound..a Chest ultrasound also a MRI On my brain to check for pituitary tumors. All came back clean. So what ever estrodial lingering around in my body is really causing some issues and destroying my physique and the work ive put in.
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Emotional as hell too. Tearing up at movies..water retention...Moon face..puffy stomach.. been going through this for awhile so i know what it feels like to have high E symptoms. also taking a little to long to ejaculate as well. Ill be pounding away on my girl and even i am like ok when is this shit gonna end? Im waiting for my new health insurance to kick in later this week to see if they will cover more of the armoasin as i do have a script for it. If i still cant afford it i guess ill just have to take Adex for the rest of my damn life to keep estrogen symptoms in check. i dont care what any one says i have labs to prove that adex once you stop taking it your body can end up actually producing MORE estrogen from suppressing. I have never had any estrodial or estrogen issues until i tried that medication and came off of it. I have also checked other things as well. I had a testicular Ultra sound..a Chest ultrasound also a MRI On my brain to check for pituitary tumors. All came back clean. So what ever estrodial lingering around in my body is really causing some issues and destroying my physique and the work ive put in.

you can afford aromasin bro... just not from the doctor... here is the link... Now you can easily get affordable aromasin... you need to get it under control before it gets to be a bigger issue...
i was able to get a discounted bottle of examastane. Apologize for the lack of spelling. The dosing on this would be 12.5 every 2 days correct? when should i get re tested for estrogen would you think sir? im starting a dose of 12.5mg today
i was able to get a discounted bottle of examastane. Apologize for the lack of spelling. The dosing on this would be 12.5 every 2 days correct? when should i get re tested for estrogen would you think sir? im starting a dose of 12.5mg today
Yes 12.5mg every other day. I would recheck your levels in about 4 weeks to see where you are

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
appreciate it rick. My most recent test came out to 41 with a max of 39 so im assuming i wont need to be on this pill for to long
appreciate it rick. My most recent test came out to 41 with a max of 39 so im assuming i wont need to be on this pill for to long
No you shouldn't need much at all. Being that close, I'd get checked after two weeks honestly

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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