
help for 38 year old


New member
Dylan, I came across your videos and found them very informative. I'm an RN and appreciate your cautious use and advice to others.

I'm 38 and have been back to training after rotator cuff surgery. I've been taking test cyp 200 mg/week, anastrozole 1 mg every other day or so depending on estrogen levels (What do you suggest those levels should be at?), and Synthroid 100 mcg/day. All of which have been prescribed by an endochronologist for around 6–7 years now.

I'll preface my anabolic experience by admitting my naivety. While never stopping the above prescriptions, I experimented with a few along the way – some longer than others. Winstrol (briefly), EQ (briefly, my own ideas cut it short because of it's intented use, but one of your videos has me thinking otherwise), primobolin/anavar (longest runs, and I absolutely agree with you about primo) and masteron (replacing anavar for a stretch hich may or may not have been too long). I've never actually planned/done an actual stack/cycle. More concerning after watching your videos is the fact that I've never done a PCT. I was advised that it wasn't necessary if I never stopped the test. Is that accurate information? I'm already bald, so I'm not worried about that side effect – just long-term health. My creatinine is always slightly elevated and my HDL's are always slightly depressed. I don't know if anabolic use has anything to do with this. Otherwise bloodwork is always perfect. Chest x-ray reveals heart normal size. One of my major concerns is if this would effect being able to have kids if I ever get around to it. Is there potential for that being the case? Obviously, a PCT would be necessary coming off the test by the doctor if and when that time comes. Would a doctors PCT be sufficient in your opinion?

I always had good results, because my training and diet was tiptop (to my knowledge as I'm not an expert on percentages of caloric intake and such, just very clean at least). I don't want to be huge and look like an obvious user. I also like consistent gains that last, but I would also like a little kickstart. I'm very interested in the stack you discussed: test, Deca and Primo. Deca is now very appealing due to joint advantages, but I don't know what to expect from use/gains and potential side effects.

I would just stick with that above stack you loved if you feel it's suitable unless you could offer little more tailored advice. My final concern which was always lingering, and you drove home, is cleanliness of product. That's why I originally started and remain under a doctors supervision with the test, etc. A decent friend, Also in the medical field, was my source, but his story is the same as everybody else you talk to. Won't go into details because you've heard it all. If you're able to throw out a few lines that I can read between regarding attainment that would be phenomenal.

I'm glad I came across your videos and don't want to make any decisions in haste without hearing from you. Any advisement you can offer at your convenience would be greatly appreciated.
"Obviously, a PCT would be necessary coming off the test by the doctor if and when that time comes. Would a doctors PCT be sufficient in your opinion?"'ve been on TRT for 6-7years???

Not impossible..BUT highly unlikely you can recover natural test production

Good news is...there is seldom a problem conceiving a child while on TRT

If you are under the care of an endocrinologist..why aren't you discussing this with him..rather than seeking advise from laymen??
i dont even know your stats so how could i ever give you any sort of cycle advice? age/height/weight/body fat?????

bro, iif you come off after this amount of time and NEVER doing things right previously, its going to be beyond difficult to recover at all and its HIGHLY HIGHLY unlikely ... you would probably need a 16 week pct and even then, i dont even know... you are very reckless with how you have done things and im beyond uncomfortable advising you any steroid use... what exactly are your goals? please DO NOT ask me for sources... you sound beyond sketchy... no thanks on that
I'd consult your physician about your issues, but I don't see it going well trying to come off after that much time on. You will have a tough uphill battle ahead of you and the odds are not in your favor no matter what you do. Many guys have children while on TRT just fine. You can use a little HCG to increase sperm count but even without it you still have a good chance. On TRT sperm count does go down, but there are still millions and millions, and we all know it only takes one strong swimmer to make it to the finish line
Thank you all for your responses, and I apologize for the sketchy inquiry. My test levels were on the lower side prior to starting TRT, and I never used other anabolics prior. It's been over three years since I did use them while on TRT, and it was sporadic over a course of two years or so. It was reckless, so I stopped. My other concern was cleanliness and potential fake products causing side effects on my health, both short and long term. My question, which may have been unclear, was whether additional anabolic use effects the ability to conceive (pretty dumb question now) and if a pct is necessary coming off of other anabolic's while never stopping TRT. Another question for you guys is what levels you like to keep estrogen at by means of which medication and how much generally? More importantly now, Dylan… Were you referring to long term TRT or uneducated anabolic use as doing things wrong? As I said labs, vitals, etc. are generally within normal limits, so I don't feel too much need to be alarmed about overall health – just want to be cautious when I'm confident to introduce other anabolic's again with proper advice.

I have addressed fertility issues with my endocrinologist if and when that time comes. My LH and FSH levels are always suppressed which wouldn't allow for conception while on TRT. I was advised that whenever my girl and I decide it's time, I would come off the testosterone and those levels would go back to normal after a few months, and I would be able to. I had to switch doctors due to insurance. The first advised that he would implement something to trigger testosterone production. My current doctor said he would take me off and monitor the production before implementing anything. Clearly I wouldn't agree with that, and I'll be switching doctors as I'm starting a new job soon. I wouldn't call yourselves laymen, because your knowledge exceeds that of the average general physician/endo on these matters. I would advocate for myself and treatment based on your advice.

Dylan, I'm 38, 6'1", 260 (down from 285 training and dieting again after shoulder surgery). I'll get you an accurate body fat percentage as soon as I can. In the 230s is where I look and feel the best. I'm not looking to bulk up and/or push ridiculous weight anymore. My goal is to be consistently fit, proportionate muscle tone for my frame, vascularity is always a plus and endurance for cardio/athletics. Bottom line: look good, feel good, be healthy, minimize side effects.

Cycle advice would be geared towards that obviously. I agree with you about Primo and was wondering if there's anything else you guys would recommend as a short term kickstart in-line with those goals since Primo takes a while.

That's all I got for now. Thanks for reading, and thanks in advance for any recommendations.
"I have addressed fertility issues with my endocrinologist if and when that time comes. My LH and FSH levels are always suppressed which wouldn't allow for conception while on TRT. I was advised that whenever my girl and I decide it's time, I would come off the testosterone and those levels would go back to normal after a few months,"

you need to get a second opinion because this is contrary to conventional medical is EXTREMELY difficult to restart FH and FSH after years on TRT
Also...many men conceive children while on TRT

re: adding additional AAS while on sounds like your BF would be too high...If you want to cycle and come back to need to be in condition..BF in the low teens..have established a proper diet and disciplined work out routine
you need to get a second opinion because this is contrary to conventional medical is EXTREMELY difficult to restart FH and FSH after years on TRT

I've been running test cyp for 8 years straight now, no breaks, and never expect to regain my natural test production.

(Several fertility tests revealed I was sterile long before I began using, hence my decision to use continuously for all these years.)
We've got a quota on recovered injured nurses in place as the one we have keeps us busy already... sorry bro.
We've got a quota on recovered injured nurses in place as the one we have keeps us busy already... sorry bro.

Seriously, to offer what i can, having a child while on TRT is much easier than your endo might think. And if you are prescribed 1mg arimidex EOD your estrogen is probably on the lower end of the spectrum.

But a better question might be why isn't your endo doing regular blood work to check up on your estrogen levels if he is prescribing you an AI?
Just look at all the pro bodybuilders who have kids, young ones too. Its definitely possible.
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