
Hello all


New member
Been absorbing all the valuable information by the ARF team and members. Trying to maintain a athletic fitness build as i'm climbing in age (46). This is my first forum i've joined and i must say i owe all of you many thank you's for the plethora of information. Thanks, again.
Tijuana said:
Been absorbing all the valuable information by the ARF team and members. Trying to maintain a athletic fitness build as i'm climbing in age (46). This is my first forum i've joined and i must say i owe all of you many thank you's for the plethora of information. Thanks, again.

Welcome! Glad to have you. Don't be afraid to ask anything that might come up.
Tijuana said:
Been absorbing all the valuable information by the ARF team and members. Trying to maintain a athletic fitness build as i'm climbing in age (46). This is my first forum i've joined and i must say i owe all of you many thank you's for the plethora of information. Thanks, again.

welcome to adrenaline rush bro! great to have you! I am certain you will find this to be the best information and forum in general anywhere in existence... DO NOT HESITATE to let me know if i can help in any way...
Welcome to the best damn forum out there! We are happy to have you as part of the family here, and if you need anything don't hesitate to let us know!
Thanks, guys. If anyone can pm me a suggestion on a source for pct's i would greatly appreciate it. Have a bottle of MK just sitting on my dresser that i wanted to test out as a stand-alone but waiting until i can get clomid for a mini-pct. Thanks, again.
first off, I love the name. 2nd, Welcome to AR. 3rd There are so many shit boards out there where you would have caught shit just for introducing yourself. Consider yourself very lucky to have found this place first. You are in good hands. and there are plenty of us your age. I'm 51 myself.
Tijuana said:
Thanks, guys. If anyone can pm me a suggestion on a source for pct's i would greatly appreciate it. Have a bottle of MK just sitting on my dresser that i wanted to test out as a stand-alone but waiting until i can get clomid for a mini-pct. Thanks, again.

i would recommend adding to the mk bro... mk alone is excellent but you can get far more out of this cycle if you add to it... you can get clomid from our sources here and its extremely high quality... if you want to add to the stack, let me know and i'll set it all up for you but your selling yourself short...
Tijuana said:
Thanks, guys. If anyone can pm me a suggestion on a source for pct's i would greatly appreciate it. Have a bottle of MK just sitting on my dresser that i wanted to test out as a stand-alone but waiting until i can get clomid for a mini-pct. Thanks, again.

Check your PMs. I will get you a price list for Biotech bro
JM750 said:
first off, I love the name. 2nd, Welcome to AR. 3rd There are so many shit boards out there where you would have caught shit just for introducing yourself. Consider yourself very lucky to have found this place first. You are in good hands. and there are plenty of us your age. I'm 51 myself.

LOL. I love TJ. I know many consider it an armpit of Mexico but it's always been a 2nd home to me. Too many fun and crazy memories that's for sure. :) Thanks for the welcome, my friend.
DylanGemelli said:
Tijuana said:
Thanks, guys. If anyone can pm me a suggestion on a source for pct's i would greatly appreciate it. Have a bottle of MK just sitting on my dresser that i wanted to test out as a stand-alone but waiting until i can get clomid for a mini-pct. Thanks, again.

i would recommend adding to the mk bro... mk alone is excellent but you can get far more out of this cycle if you add to it... you can get clomid from our sources here and its extremely high quality... if you want to add to the stack, let me know and i'll set it all up for you but your selling yourself short...

DG, I plan on administering a sarm stack once I see what type of result I get with the mk. I have already taken a mini lgd cycle (30 days) with good results. I plan on taking the full 8-12 week cycle on the sarm stack once I identify what type of result I get from each compound. If all goes well with the mk, I will more than likely run GW, Mk and Lgd together for a sort of re-composition cycle (not keen on the S4 due to the vision side effects).
RickRock said:
Tijuana said:
Thanks, guys. If anyone can pm me a suggestion on a source for pct's i would greatly appreciate it. Have a bottle of MK just sitting on my dresser that i wanted to test out as a stand-alone but waiting until i can get clomid for a mini-pct. Thanks, again.

Check your PMs. I will get you a price list for Biotech bro

Much appreciated double R. Good lookin' out.
Tijuana said:
DylanGemelli said:
Tijuana said:
Thanks, guys. If anyone can pm me a suggestion on a source for pct's i would greatly appreciate it. Have a bottle of MK just sitting on my dresser that i wanted to test out as a stand-alone but waiting until i can get clomid for a mini-pct. Thanks, again.

i would recommend adding to the mk bro... mk alone is excellent but you can get far more out of this cycle if you add to it... you can get clomid from our sources here and its extremely high quality... if you want to add to the stack, let me know and i'll set it all up for you but your selling yourself short...

DG, I plan on administering a sarm stack once I see what type of result I get with the mk. I have already taken a mini lgd cycle (30 days) with good results. I plan on taking the full 8-12 week cycle on the sarm stack once I identify what type of result I get from each compound. If all goes well with the mk, I will more than likely run GW, Mk and Lgd together for a sort of re-composition cycle (not keen on the S4 due to the vision side effects).

Nice brother... that's a very strong cycle as well... you want to get some very nice clean size then that is very ideal...
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