
HCGenerate, TRT, and libido


New member
I take 300mg/wk testosterone as HRT. In spite of this, I sometimes still have trouble with low libido as a result of SSRIs. Will HCGenerate help with my sex drive in this circumstance?
I take 300mg/wk testosterone as HRT. In spite of this, I sometimes still have trouble with low libido as a result of SSRIs. Will HCGenerate help with my sex drive in this circumstance?

Absolutely not bro. That product is a waste of money and will do absolutely nothing for you being on TRT. Don't waste your money on it. I'd check your bloodwork and see where all your levels are....particularly estrogen, SHBG, etc....

300mg per week is extremely high for TRT. Did your doc put you on this? That's like twice what it should be and your estrogen is probably prettydamnhigh if you aren't taking an AI
Absolutely not bro. That product is a waste of money and will do absolutely nothing for you being on TRT. Don't waste your money on it. I'd check your bloodwork and see where all your levels are....particularly estrogen, SHBG, etc....

300mg per week is extremely high for TRT. Did your doc put you on this? That's like twice what it should be and your estrogen is probably prettydamnhigh if you aren't taking an AI

Yeah that's pretty high. However SSRIs are notorious for this side effect among other worse ones. My advice would be to try to transition to something that doesn't cause this. How happy can a person be with no sex drive after all?
Yes, my doc has me on this dosage. Even though it might seem high, my test levels are normal, upper end of normal, but normal.
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