
HCG advice

So I am going to use HCG for the first time in my next cycle, it's going to be a 10 week cycle of test prop 75mg and npp 75 mg. I'm planning to use it in the last 4 weeks of my cycle, so am I better to shoot 500 IU of HCG 2-3 a week or 1000 IU once a week ?
So I am going to use HCG for the first time in my next cycle, it's going to be a 10 week cycle of test prop 75mg and npp 75 mg. I'm planning to use it in the last 4 weeks of my cycle, so am I better to shoot 500 IU of HCG 2-3 a week or 1000 IU once a week ?

hey brother... you would want two injections per week of 500 ius each....
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