
GW During a Bulk


Do you have to maintain a deficit while using GW to still receive the strong fat burning effects or will the fat burning properties of GW work just as well during a surplus?
Enegy deficit creates fat loss GW enhaces your bodys ability too use fat for fuel as well as glucose so it will help you stay lean during a ( resonable)caloric surplus but too loose fat you need too burn more than you consume . Cant run a car out of gas if your constantly pumping gas

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Enegy deficit creates fat loss GW enhaces your bodys ability too use fat for fuel as well as glucose so it will help you stay lean during a ( resonable)caloric surplus but too loose fat you need too burn more than you consume . Cant run a car out of gas if your constantly pumping gas

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nice post bother! i agree throughly...
what i love about gw is the capability to burn fat and still hold onto muscle... it fits perfect into a bulking stack where some feel it would not because it keeps things so clean, it enhances performance to the highest level which allows for max gains and it keeps you feeling great the entire way...
Do you have to maintain a deficit while using GW to still receive the strong fat burning effects or will the fat burning properties of GW work just as well during a surplus?

I have used GW many times during a caloric surplus. And it works extremely well. Fat burning is dictated by caloric intake, but I will tell you this. GW when taken during a bulk can really help,keep the fat off of you. I generally maintain the same bodyfat while eating quite a bit. That says a lot, when under normal circumstances I would gain fat eating like that on cycle.

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The biggest postive though is not only fat loss its the endurance benefits when your trying too male gains food is only half the battle you need too be smashing those weights bro and thats gonna help alot there

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The biggest postive though is not only fat loss its the endurance benefits when your trying too male gains food is only half the battle you need too be smashing those weights bro and thats gonna help alot there

Sent from my LG-H631 using Tapatalk

absolutely agree.. when you can enhance recovery time between cycles and have constant energy, especially when the grind gets much more difficult in the later portion of your workout, gw really shines and allows you to overcome these obstacles...
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