
Fitness question


New member
Hey man !
I watch your YouTube videos daily !!! I'm a huge fan . You are extremely easy to listen to and extremely knowledgeable ! I can't thank you enough for reaching out to people like me to help out with individual fitness goals . Would it be ok to talk to you about some things I have questions about ?
Hey man !
I watch your YouTube videos daily !!! I'm a huge fan . You are extremely easy to listen to and extremely knowledgeable ! I can't thank you enough for reaching out to people like me to help out with individual fitness goals . Would it be ok to talk to you about some things I have questions about ?

of course brother... im always here to help... what are your questions???
That's the point of the board Dlo....ask away. Lots of good knowledgeable guys on here.
Oh man it is a pleasure to finally connect ! I have been trying for so long ! I'm a huge fan of your very helpful and knowledgable YouTube videos I watch them all the time !!
So my question for you is this ...
I have recently obtained the injectable form of d-Bol its oil based and was wondering how to dose it properly ? I saw a lot about the oral dosing but not the injectable . I purchased n2 guard to take while on cycle but I also would like to get aromasin but there are so many online sites and brands I wanna make sure I get the good quality aromasin to prevent the estrogen build up and gyno . Luckily I have a good friend with experience who got me good quality d-Bol and test for my cycle but was only familiar with aromidex and after watching your videos I just can't start this cycle without that aromasin . I value your expertise and appreciate your time
Thank you !
Oh man it is a pleasure to finally connect ! I have been trying for so long ! I'm a huge fan of your very helpful and knowledgable YouTube videos I watch them all the time !!
So my question for you is this ...
I have recently obtained the injectable form of d-Bol its oil based and was wondering how to dose it properly ? I saw a lot about the oral dosing but not the injectable . I purchased n2 guard to take while on cycle but I also would like to get aromasin but there are so many online sites and brands I wanna make sure I get the good quality aromasin to prevent the estrogen build up and gyno . Luckily I have a good friend with experience who got me good quality d-Bol and test for my cycle but was only familiar with aromidex and after watching your videos I just can't start this cycle without that aromasin . I value your expertise and appreciate your time
Thank you !

Step one; throw whatever you have in the trash. I'll even come to wherever you are and throw it out for you.

Step two; You need to post your COMPLETE stats;

Body fat %
Years of training
Complete cycle history (compounds, doses, lengths of time, when they were run)
PCT for each cycle
Supplements (if any)
General idea of nutrition (any food allergies???)
Any other relevant info (injuries, surgeries you've had, etc.)

Be honest; don't write what you think we want to hear.
5 10''
12 percent body fat
Been training natural
This would be my first cycle

I have been at a plateau for a long time now and I just want to take it up a notch now with cycling anabolics .

The cycle I have planned out now is
Dbol 100 mg a week for 4 weeks
Test enanthate 400 mg week for 10 weeks along with aromasin and n2guard followed by nolvadex for a pct . This is what I have so far for my first cycle .
Dbol 100 mg a week for 4 weeks
Test enanthate 400 mg week for 10 weeks along with aromasin and n2guard followed by nolvadex for a pct . This is what I have so far for my first cycle .

Absolutely NO!! Drop Dbol. Test only, 250-300mg/week, aromasin 12.5mg eod. Pct must be clomid 50/50/25/25, nolva 40/40/20/20, arom 12.5 eod, mk & gw ed. Get the sarmsx pct protocol.

You're welcome
Absolutely NO!! Drop Dbol. Test only, 250-300mg/week, aromasin 12.5mg eod. Pct must be clomid 50/50/25/25, nolva 40/40/20/20, arom 12.5 eod, mk & gw ed. Get the sarmsx pct protocol.

You're welcome

X2, test only for a 1st cycle....however I would go with 300-350 mg's/week. 12-14 weeks.Make sure your diet and training is on point and 110% dialed in.
5 10''
12 percent body fat
Been training natural
This would be my first cycle

I have been at a plateau for a long time now and I just want to take it up a notch now with cycling anabolics .

The cycle I have planned out now is

I wish i could get that low of bf at 220 naturally!
Thanks for that . So I'll run test and save the d-Bol for a later cycle depending on how my body responds to the lower dosage . Now I'm having a tough time finding aromasin ? Where can I get it in good quality?
Also I'm getting blood work done this Friday to see where my levels stand as of now before I start anything
Yeah I was always a slim guy growing up but what made me start growing naturally was when I started focusing on a combination of lifting decently heavy for long Reps of time under tension and my diet . I started eating a lot of clean high protein foods and really crush eccentric compound lifts very slow controlled reps . The burn hurts and you fatigue faster but it's been a huge gain factor for me in my life . Over 4 years I've gone from 180 to 220 and before that I was athletic at 160 all through high scool . Everyone's different you just have to find what works for you :)
What are the differences between oral abs oil based injectable d-Bol ? As far as half life and dosing effects ?
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