
First steroid cycle help!? PCT? Confused. hcg?


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Little info about me:
Hey lads! im a 21 year old male athlethe. iv'e been training seriously for about 5years now. i've been bulking\cutting, trying different macros\diets\training methods ect, and i figured out what works best for my body. currently im doing flexible dieting\intermittent fasting when im cutting. i've done this for about 6months now, because i wanted to do a slow cut to maintain as much muscle as possible. im about 189cms high, and i weight about 86-87kgs. I'm pretty shredded atm, i'd say about 8-9% bodyfat. (i've been using a sarms only cycle to help keep the muscle mass while shredding. ( i used gw-501516 and mk-2866 )
Training is a really serious part of my life, and it keeps me going and helps me stay on track with everything else. i currently work as a chef, but i have plans to work as a personal trainer or an online coach on the side, and i also want to compete in mens physique (not on a pro level, mainly for my own pleasure) atleast that's what im thinking atm.

After the summer it's time for a bulk again, and i kinda feel like im ready to take it to the next level. I currently live at home with my parents, and im planning to move out in about a year or so. I've already decided that im gonna start using anabolics when i move out, but i kinda wanna experiment a bit before that time. i have never done a cycle of anabolics before, so i kinda wanna try it out first and see how my body responds (what doses i can get off with taking ect). so i was kinda planning to do an Test-E only cycle for my first "experiment" cycle after the summer. i was thinking dosing it around 400-500mgs a week as i think this would be a great dose for me considering its my first time, my bodyweight ect. (im thinking of starting out at 400mgs and seeing how my body responds to it, then up it to 500 if i feel that's needed.) now, im sure im gonna nail the training and the eating (and the anabolics wont be a problem) however i wanna PCT the correct way, to keep as most of my gains as possible. i've tried to figure what would be the best way to PCT for a test-e only cycle (for about 12weeks) but i'd have to say im kinda confused. Everywhere i look people say differently, some people say nolva, some say arimidex, some say hcg on cycle, some ppl say hcg as pct, some people say no pct at all.

what im thinking atm is running test-e for 12 weeks, then running nolva or clomid approx 2 weeks after my last injection. (i might also add Hcg the last 4weeks of the cycle as dylan strongly suggested this) but everywhere i look for reserach it says that hcg isnt really needed. any thoughts on this? what would happend if i didnt use hcg and only used nolva\clomid vs in if i used hcg the last 4weeks and then clomid\nolva 2weeks after injections?

i apologise for my long rant, but i guess i kinda just wanna know as much as possible before i do my cycle, so i can do it as safely as possible. i might seem like a complete noob for writing this post, but better safe then sorry right? i actually have reserached this for a long time, and i do also have a lot of friends that use anabolics. however i live in Norway, and it's nowhere near as popular here as in the US ect. i feel like people here dont really do much reserach or w.e they just do what their friends tell them to do, or just do the same as the seller does or w.e and this is something that i think could be really dangerous considering the body responds differently to different doses and compounds, bodyweight ect.

All feedback is greatly appriciated! again, sorry for the long rant..
Give it a few more years bro. You are still too young for steroids. There's no reason to jump into a cycle just yet. Keep eating right and training hard and hit a good sarms stack here and there. This is a marathon and not a sprint.

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
i know it's a marathon bro :D not trying to rush things, was just playing with the thought of experimenting a littlebit before i start fully, too see what doses ect my body can handle. but i get what you mean. i can probably manage to wait until im about 23 when im moved out and stuff, but that would probably be the maximum i can wait. my body is pretty well developed so i dont think at age 23 i would cause too much damage to my growth ect. i also have a pretty decent physique atm, i actually look alot better then most of my friends that are on the gear. however, it's really really hard when almost everyone i know is on the juice, to stay completely natural. Doesen't really help with all these so called "natural" fitnessmodels popping allover the internet either. it might seem like i wanna rush things, but i actually dont. however u probably get where im coming from, it's just so tempting knowing you can grow so much quicker considering how serious i am with my training. i do train 7times a week, i do my morning cardio everyday and and i train weights at the evening. i get every meal in, follow the correct macros. i do my vacuums, ect. i just feel that it's so hard to keep pushing naturally when u see all these guys at my age on gear, starting to look the same as me\or better, and they just eat w.e they want and train 3times a week..
i know it's a marathon bro :D not trying to rush things, was just playing with the thought of experimenting a littlebit before i start fully, too see what doses ect my body can handle. but i get what you mean. i can probably manage to wait until im about 23 when im moved out and stuff, but that would probably be the maximum i can wait. my body is pretty well developed so i dont think at age 23 i would cause too much damage to my growth ect. i also have a pretty decent physique atm, i actually look alot better then most of my friends that are on the gear. however, it's really really hard when almost everyone i know is on the juice, to stay completely natural. Doesen't really help with all these so called "natural" fitnessmodels popping allover the internet either. it might seem like i wanna rush things, but i actually dont. however u probably get where im coming from, it's just so tempting knowing you can grow so much quicker considering how serious i am with my training. i do train 7times a week, i do my morning cardio everyday and and i train weights at the evening. i get every meal in, follow the correct macros. i do my vacuums, ect. i just feel that it's so hard to keep pushing naturally when u see all these guys at my age on gear, starting to look the same as me\or better, and they just eat w.e they want and train 3times a week..

bro, you cant train 7 times a week... your setting yourself backwards... your doing this all wrong... your missing the entire point of all this... YOUR the one that will be able to do this 20-30 years or even more because YOUR the one that waited and did things right... you didnt run steroids too young, you didnt over train, but you did it the right way.... eased into things, let yourself develop naturally first and then set yourself up for a future of excellence OR you can be the asshole who decides they need to learn the hard way... they may get a few glory years but then they turn into dog shit... they are always injured, they have no libido, they have nothing left to work with whatsoever because they fucked up their natural growth to begin with... they did things too young, underdeveloped and put the strain on their internal organs, bones, joints, ligaments etc... that could be you if you decide to learn the hard way.. its really up to you but if it were me, i would go with option one... but what do i know
i get what you're saying bro, and i appriciate your knowledge and explanations. but let's say i manage to stick to sarms only until im about 23. considering my body is really well developed atm, at 21years of age. would that be more acceptable? i mean, im a tall guy and i prolly look like im 26. i cant really grow that much more lol. i totally get that your body has to be fully developed, but this varies alot from people to people. i mean som people just develop their body alot faster then others. so again, if i would manage to wait about 2years time until im 23, would you still think that's crazy stupid?
i get what you're saying bro, and i appriciate your knowledge and explanations. but let's say i manage to stick to sarms only until im about 23. considering my body is really well developed atm, at 21years of age. would that be more acceptable? i mean, im a tall guy and i prolly look like im 26. i cant really grow that much more lol. i totally get that your body has to be fully developed, but this varies alot from people to people. i mean som people just develop their body alot faster then others. so again, if i would manage to wait about 2years time until im 23, would you still think that's crazy stupid?

actually some develop faster than others yes but noone fully develops in their early 20's... not even mid 20's... your body is working and growing internally and fucking up that process = YOU being fucked up permanently...

sarms are far more acceptable in your early 20's and there is no issue with these... suppression is minimal at best and your not going to be throwing your body completely off, not even close... so yes, this is far more acceptable...
alright, but if that's the case. what would be the strongets compound of sarms\what sarms would be closest to anabolic steroids in terms of effects to put on lean muscle mass.? Let's say after the summer my main goal is to put on as much muscle mass as possible, what would be the "strongest" sarms cycle in terms of gainz?
endurance and stamnia ect is cool aswell, but lets focus mainly on the pure musclemass here.
alright, but if that's the case. what would be the strongets compound of sarms\what sarms would be closest to anabolic steroids in terms of effects to put on lean muscle mass.? Let's say after the summer my main goal is to put on as much muscle mass as possible, what would be the "strongest" sarms cycle in terms of gainz?
endurance and stamnia ect is cool aswell, but lets focus mainly on the pure musclemass here.

okay, i would go with this... you can get everything at

1-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 mk677 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout and non workout days, all at once in the a.m.
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
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