Hey guys, been doing some research on some beginner SARM cycles. I'm around 23, been training for the last 7 years natural, probably with only the last 4 of those years being with proper periodization and nutrition dialed in. Strength has been progressing fairly well this year, but I've been plateauing pretty hard with putting on size over the past year. I'm getting my blood-work done this weekend to make sure I'm in a good place before starting, but I'm looking at running LGD-4033 for 8 weeks at 5mg/day as my first ever cycle, possibly bumping up to 10mg for the last 4 weeks depending on how my body handles it and if I'm showing signs of suppression or not. I have just a basic OTC Test booster as well as some Arimidrol for PCT if needed. Trying to stay away from Clomid/Nolvadex unless I do really get suppressed as I'm finding it hard to source. Also planning on getting blood-work done a few weeks after the cycle to make sure everything is in good shape. Any tips/advice from anyone? Much appreciated, Thanks!
Current Stats:
5'10, 173lbs, DEXA- 14%BF
Bench: 285 Squat: 415 Deadlift: 495
Current Stats:
5'10, 173lbs, DEXA- 14%BF
Bench: 285 Squat: 415 Deadlift: 495